المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : كارلوغورماني

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 03:46 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اخواني الاعضاء

من يعرف اي شي عن هذا الاسم اتمني منه الافاده


من اوائل الرحاله الاجانب في الجزيرة العربية ...

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 04:08 AM
كارلو كلاوديو كاميلو غوارماني (Carlo Claudio Camillo Guarmani) (ليفورنو، 1828 - جنوة، 1884) مستكشف إيطالي ، هاجر مع والده الذي يعمل بالتجارة إلى بيروت عام 1850م، وهناك حصل على وظيفة ممثل للبريد الإمبراطوري الفرنسي في القدس، العمل الذي يتطلب الكثير من السفر والتنقل في المنطقة. هناك تعرف على الحصان العربي الأصيل فأغرم به وبدأ بحثا حوله أثناء رحلاته عبر بادية الشام وسفراته إلى مصر وشبه الجزيرة العربية.

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 04:09 AM
تطورت أبحاثه حول الخيول العربية إلى أن أصبحت كتابا صدر عام 1864 بعنوان «الخمسة - الحصان العربي الأصيل» وبالإيطالية (El Kamsa, il Cavallo Arabo Purosangue).

يتحدث جوارماني فيه عن الأصول الخمسة للحصان العربي وهي: «كحيلان، عبيان، صقلاوي، حمداني، وهدبان». وطرح نظام لكيفية استخدام الحصان العربي في تطوير سلالات أخرى من الخيول الأوروبية. وقد أمضى حوالي 16 سنة في أبحاثه عن الحصان العربي في سوريا، وفلسطين، ومصر، وشبه الجزيرة العربية. كان يتحدث العربية بطلاقة مكنته من معرفة أصول القبائل العربية في المنطقة. وقد صدر كتابه عام 1984 باللغة الإنجليزية بعنوان «الحصان العربي الأصيل». وبسبب خبرته هذه تم تكليفه من امبراطور فرنسا نابليون الثالث وملك إيطاليا فيكتور عمانويل الثاني لإنتقاء وشراء مجموعات من أفضل الخيول العربية.

انتقل على إثر هذا الطلب متنكرا في بلدان شبه الجزيرة العربية عام 1864 منتحلاً شخصية موظف تركي بإسم خليل آغا، وزار تيماء وخيبر وحائل وعنيزة، وألف كتابا بعنوان: «شمال نجد: رحلة من القدس إلى عنيزة» وتُرجم مؤلفه إلى الإنجليزية والألمانية والفرنسية أيضا.

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 04:17 AM
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ar/a/a3/AlKamsa-Book.jpg (http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%85%D9%84%D9%81:AlKamsa-Book.jpg) http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.5/common/images/magnify-clip.png (http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%85%D9%84%D9%81:AlKamsa-Book.jpg)
كتاب الخمسة الذي كتبه غوارماني حول الخيول العربية الأصيلة

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 04:22 AM
هل تعلمون يا اخوان ان هذا الرحال الايطالي كتب مذكراته في كتاب تم بيعه في اوروبا عام 1866

واغلب الرحال الذين اتوا من بعده كان لهم الحظ بقراءة هذه المذكرة التي كتبها


سبحان الله

اليس شي غريب ان ياتي رحاله انجليزي ويطلع علي مذكرات كارلو وكل واحد من جنسية مختلفه عن الاخر

ما هو الرابط بينهم؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 05:39 AM
Carlo Guarmani (Italian) author of 1864-1866 Classic Works ‘Al Kamsa’ (about the Arabian horse) and ‘Journey from Jerusalem to Northern Najd’

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 05:41 AM
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5123H3ZQ01L._SL500_AA300_.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/8460923657/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books)

Al Kamsa: The Purebred Arabian Horse; a Study of Sixteen Years in Syria, Palestine, Egypt and the Arabian Deserts & Journey From Jerusalem to Northern Najd; Carlo Guarmani's 1864-1866 Classic Works


ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 06:05 AM
http://camelsnose.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/500px-palgrave-map-of-middle-east.jpg?w=500&h=232 (http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=camelsnose.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcamelsnose.files.wordpress.com%2F 2010%2F06%2F500px-palgrave-map-of-middle-east.jpg&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fcamelsnose.wordpress.com%2Fcate gory%2Farabs%2F)
Here is another list from Zahra Dickson Freeth’s out of print Explorers of Arabia from the Renaissance to the end of the Victorian era, along with any wikipedia links that exist.

Lodovico Varthema (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludovico_di_Varthema), gentleman of Rome (entered Mecca 1503)
Joseph Pitts (captured English sailor in Mecca c 1685) [google books limited view (http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=camelsnose.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbooks.google.com%2Fbooks%3Fid%3D_ 84CPd7_exkC%26pg%3DPA102%26lpg%3DPA102%26dq%3DjOSE PH%2BPITTS%2Bmecca%26source%3Dbl%26ots%3DLVlMbjHqj S%26sig%3D81HlXDZyf9SSj0U0m3B70x-DZcE%26hl%3Den%26ei%3DwPkHTKekLYniNY3OrbYE%26sa%3D X%26oi%3Dbook_result%26ct%3Dresult%26resnum%3D3%26 ved%3D0CB8Q6AEwAg%23v%3Donepage%26q%3DjOSEPH%2520P ITTS%2520mecca%26f%3Dfalse&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fcamelsnose.wordpress.com%2Fcate gory%2Farabs%2F)]
Carsten Niebuhr (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carsten_Niebuhr) (cartographer)
Jean Louis Burckhardt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Ludwig_Burckhardt) (rediscovered Petra)
Richard Burton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Francis_Burton)
William Palgrave (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Gifford_Palgrave) spy, former Jesuit and British diplomat (1826–1888)
Carlo Guarmani (Italian) author of 1864-1866 Classic Works (http://www.amazon.com/Kamsa-Palestine-Jerusalem-Guarmanis-1864-1866/dp/8460923657) ‘Al Kamsa’ (about the Arabian horse) and ‘Journey from Jerusalem to Northern Najd’
Charles Doughty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Montagu_Doughty) author of 1888 travel book Travels in Arabia Deserta republished by T.E. Lawrence
The Blunts Anne Isabella Noel Blunt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Anne_Blunt) and her husband Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, Arabian horse aficionados
http://camelsnose.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/ladyanneblunt_and_kasida.jpg?w=314&h=387 (http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=camelsnose.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcamelsnose.files.wordpress.com%2F 2010%2F06%2Fladyanneblunt_and_kasida.jpg&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fcamelsnose.wordpress.com%2Fcate gory%2Farabs%2F)Images:
Top, William Palgrave’s map of Arabia;
Bottom, Lady Anne Blunt, in Bedouin attire

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 06:12 AM
Carlo Guarmani


In Search of the Arabian Horse, by Andrew Steen

في البحث للجواد العربي ، لاندرو شتين


Al Kamsa and the Journey to Najd, by Andrew Steen

كامسا ورحلة إلى نجد ، لاندرو شتين

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 06:15 AM
http://www.spanisharabianhorsesociety.org/Steen%20_AlKamsaBook.jpg For the first time, both of Carlo Guarmani’s classic works ‘Al Kamsa’ and ‘Journey from Jerusalem to Northern Najd’ are presented in the same volume. ‘Journey from Jerusalem to Northern Najd’ is the fascinating account of his perilous adventures living, riding and fighting amidst the feuding Bedouin tribes. ‘Al Kamsa’ is the culmination of Guarmani’s sixteen-year study of the origins and genesis of the purebred Arabian Horse.

Read more (http://www.spanisharabianhorsesociety.org/LaTienda.html#More%20Al%20Kamsa) about this book.


لأول مرة ، وكلاهما كارلو Guarmani في الأعمال الكلاسيكية 'آل كامسا' و 'رحلة من القدس الى شمال نجد وتعرض' في نفس وحدة التخزين. 'رحلة من القدس الى شمال نجد' هو حساب رائعة من المغامرات المحفوفة بالمخاطر رزقه ، وركوب والقتال وسط القبائل البدوية المتناحرة. 'آل كامسا' هو تتويج لدراسة Guarmani في 16 عاما من أصول ومنشأ الحصان العربي الاصيل.

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 06:18 AM

AL KAMSA AND THE JOURNEY TO NAJD For the first time, both of Carlo Guarmani’s classic works ‘Al Kamsa’ and ‘Journey from Jerusalem to Northern Najd’ are presented in the same volume. In 1863, Guarmani was commissioned by Emperor Louis Napoleon III and King Victor Emmanuel II to travel by camel from his home in the Holy Land deep into the unexplored Central Arabian desert to purchase Arabian stallions for the government studs of France and Italy.
‘Journey from Jerusalem to Northern Najd’ is the fascinating account of his perilous adventures living, riding and fighting amidst the feuding Bedouin tribes, horse-trading with warlord Shaiks and dealing with the despotic Amirs that inhabited and ruled over the vast uncharted Najd, the hostile region that had been penetrated before by only a handful of other intrepid European explorers. Indeed the author is credited as being the fourth individual (only Sadlier in 1819, Wallin in 1845 and Palgrave in 1863 preceded him) to enter those territories and publish an account of his exploits. His compelling narrative has been embellished with (often contradictory) notes and lengthy extracts that were derived from the works of his famous contemporaries: Buckhardt, Burton, Doughty, Palgrave. Layard and Lady Anne & Wilfrid Blunt.
‘Al Kamsa’ is the culmination of Guarmani’s sixteen-year study of the origins and genesis of the purebred Arabian Horse. Utilizing his profound knowledge of Oriental languages, the Koran, the Bible, and other ancient sources, the author traces the etymology and explains the authentic significance of the breed’s five traditional strains. In an analytical, reflective and scholarly style, Carlo Guarmani articulates how the Arabian horse in his opinion should be bred in order to maintain all of its celebrated qualities. At the same time he eliminates much of the confusion that has long shrouded these controversial topics and provides a wealth of information on ancient Arabian cultures, history, geography, archaeology and Bedouin superstitions.
The book was derived from two long-forgotten English translations that have been owned by four of the most knowledgeable and renowned authorities that have ever been associated with the Arabian horse. The manuscripts were signed by Major–General William Tweedie in 1888-1890, and later acquired by Spencer Borden, and then subsequently became part of W.R. Brown’s priceless library that is now safeguarded by the Arabian Horse Owners Foundation. This deluxe collector’s limited edition (only 500 copies) is an indispensable fountain of Knowledge for anyone captivated with the Arabian horse, its treasured heritage and interminable history.”
Over the last 140 years ‘Al Kamsa’ and ‘Journey from Jerusalem to Northern Najd’ have been published as separate works a total of six times in: Italian (1864 and 1977), French (1865 and 1866) and in a different English translation (in 1917 and 1938). All of those previous editions are now extremely rare and very expensive collector’s items.
This new and unique ‘Tales of the Breed’ interpretation has been updated and adapted for simplicity and readability for the 21st century Arabian horse enthusiast, The book was proofread by breed historian Sandy Rolland and edited by Delyana Simeonova. It contains a two-page dedication to Gladys Brown Edwards and includes a wonderful photograph of her mounted on *Raseyn from the AHOF archives that is believed to have never before been published. It is no exaggeration to state that Carlo Guarmani’s extremely interesting ‘Al Kamsa’ probes the origins of the breed more profoundly and eloquently than any authority of the 19th century. The account of his remarkable journey, depicting the daily adventures and the dangers that he overcame are amongst the most exciting that have ever been published. The works are introduced and annotated by Andrew K. Steen, the Author of ‘The Man Who Bred Skowronek’ and translated and annotated ‘In Search of the Arabian Horse’. Steen also embellished the current tome with fifty entertaining and informative endnotes drafted from original documents or extracted from famous, but hard to find sources by the truly great authors and authorities from the 19th century.




كامسا ، والرحلة إلى نجد

لأول مرة ، وكلاهما كارلو Guarmani في الأعمال الكلاسيكية 'آل كامسا' و 'رحلة من القدس الى شمال نجد وتعرض' في نفس وحدة التخزين. في عام 1863 ، كلفت من قبل Guarmani نابليون الثالث امبراطور لويس والملك فيكتور ايمانويل الثاني للسفر عن طريق الجمل من منزله في عمق الأراضي المقدسة في الصحراء العربية غير مستكشفة المركزي لشراء الفحول العربية لترصيع الحكومة من فرنسا وإيطاليا.
'رحلة من القدس الى شمال نجد' هو حساب رائعة من المغامرات المحفوفة بالمخاطر رزقه ، وركوب والقتال وسط القبائل البدوية المتناحرة ، المساومات مع Shaiks امراء الحرب ، والتعامل مع الأمراء الاستبدادية التي سكنت وحكمت على نجد ومجهولة واسعة ، و معاد المنطقة التي كانت توغلت قبل من قبل حفنة من المستكشفين الجريئين الاوروبية الاخرى. في الواقع يعود الفضل صاحب البلاغ بأنه الشخص الرابع (Sadlier فقط في 1819 ، والين في عام 1845 وعام 1863 بالغريف سبقه) لإدخال تلك الأراضي ونشر حساب من مآثره. وقد زينت روايته مقنعة مع (المتناقضة في كثير من الأحيان) ويلاحظ ومقتطفات مطولة التي كانت مستمدة من أعمال معاصريه الشهيرة : Buckhardt ، بيرتون ، دوتي ، بالغريف. ويلفريد لايارد والسيدة آن بلانت و.
'آل كامسا' هو تتويج لدراسة Guarmani في 16 عاما من أصول ومنشأ الحصان العربي الاصيل. الاستفادة من معرفته العميقة للغات الشرقية ، والقرآن الكريم ، الكتاب المقدس ، والمصادر القديمة الأخرى ، ويتعقب المؤلف انجليزيه ، وتشرح أهمية حقيقية من خمس سلالات من سلالة التقليدي. في نمط والتحليلية وتعكس أقوال أهل العلم ، كارلو Guarmani توضح الكيفية التي ينبغي أن يولد الحصان العربي في رأيه من أجل الحفاظ على كل صفاته المحتفى به. في الوقت نفسه انه يزيل الكثير من اللبس الذي خيم لمدة طويلة هذه المواضيع المثيرة للجدل ، وتوفر ثروة من المعلومات عن الحضارات العربية القديمة ، والتاريخ والجغرافيا وعلم الآثار والخرافات البدو.
ويعزى هذا الكتاب من ترجمة اثنين الانجليزية طويلة طي النسيان التي تم تملكها من قبل أربعة من السلطات أكثر دراية وشهرة من أي وقت مضى أن ارتبط مع الخيول العربية. تم التوقيع على هذه المخطوطات من قبل الميجر جنرال وليام تويدي في 1888-1890 ، وحصلت في وقت لاحق من قبل سبنسر بوردن ، ومن ثم أصبح فيما بعد جزءا من مكتبة منتديات مملكة البحرين براون لا تقدر بثمن التي يتم المحافظة عليها الآن من قبل المؤسسة العربية للمالكي الخيل. طبعة فاخرة هذا الجمع المحدودة (500 نسخة فقط) هو ينبوع المعرفة التي لا غنى عنها لأي شخص أسيرا مع الحصان العربي الأصيل ، تعتز بتراثها وتاريخها لا نهاية ".
وعلى مدى 140 عاما الماضية 'آل كامسا' و 'رحلة من القدس الى شمال نجد وقد نشرت' كعمل منفصل ما مجموعه ست مرات في كل من : الإيطالي (1864 و 1977) والفرنسية (1865 و 1866) ، وفي الترجمة الإنجليزية مختلفة (في عام 1917 و 1938). كل هذه الطبعات السابقة أصبحت الآن نادرة للغاية ومكلفة جدا لهواة جمع البنود.
تم تحديث هذا حكايات جديدة وفريدة من نوعها 'لتفسير تكاثر' وتكييفها لبساطة وسهولة القراءة في القرن 21 عشاق الخيل العربية ، وتدقيق الكتاب من قبل مؤرخ تولد ساندي رولان وتحرير Simeonova Delyana. وهو يحتوي على التفاني من صفحتين لبراون غلاديس إدواردز ، ويتضمن صورة رائعة لها شنت على * Raseyn من محفوظات AHOF أن يعتقد أنه لم يحدث من قبل تم نشرها. وليس من قبيل المبالغة القول بأن للاهتمام للغاية كارلو Guarmani في 'تحقيقات آل كامسا' أصول تولد أكثر بعمق وبلاغة من أي سلطة من القرن 19. حساب الرحلة الرائعة ، التي تصور مغامرات اليومية والأخطار التي تغلبت على انه من بين الأكثر إثارة من أي وقت مضى أن تم نشرها. وعرض الأعمال والمشروح من قبل اندرو ك. ستين ، والمؤلف من 'الرجل الذي تمت تربيته Skowronek' وترجمتها والمشروح 'في البحث للجواد العربي. شتين منمق أيضا تومى الحالي مع 50 التعليقات الختامية مسلية ومفيدة من صياغة وثائق أصلية أو المستخرجة من شهرة ، ولكن من الصعب العثور على مصادر من جانب واضعي عظيم حقا والسلطات من القرن 19.

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 06:33 AM
Carlo Guarmani


In Search of the Arabian Horse, by Andrew Steen

في البحث للجواد العربي ، لاندرو شتين


Al Kamsa and the Journey to Najd, by Andrew Steen

كامسا ورحلة إلى نجد ، لاندرو شتين

Click For Larger Image <a href="http://www.arabianemporium.com/index.php?main_page=popup_image&amp;pID=85" target="_blank"><img src="images/Search-of-Arabian-Horse.jpg" alt="In Search of the Arabian Horse" title=" In Search of the Arabian Horse " width="265" height="273" /><br /><span class="imgLink">Click For Larger Image</span></a> In Search of the Arabian Horse


Shipping Weight: 1kg
1 Units in Stock

In Search of the Arabian Horse translated by Andrew Steen.
This translation of Captain Luis Azpeitia de Moro’s 1905 Spanish Classic ‘En Busca del Caballo Arabe’ is an account of the Cria Caballar’s journey and arduous trek on horseback through the Syrian desert. The story follows its exotic seven-month adventure into the world of the Turks, Kurds and Bedouin nomads, searching for quality Oriental breeding stock.


ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 06:40 AM
Burckhardt, Burton, doughty, Palgrave, Layard, and Lady Anne and Wilfred Blunt.


بوركهارت ، بيرتون ، داوتي ، بالغريف ، لايارد ، والسيدة آن بلانت ويلفريد.

هذه اسماء رحالة اجانب سبقوا كارلو غورماني في استكشاف الجزيرة العربية وقد استفاد كارلو غورماني مما ذكروه في مذكراتهم عن الجزيرة العربية

يجب ان نقراء التاريخ جيداٌ

لكي نعرف ما حولنا....

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 08:12 AM
Gl' Italiani In Terra Santa: Reminiscenze E Ricerche Storich (1872) (Italian Edition)

by Carlo Guarmani

(http://www.bookadda.com/author/carlo-guarmani) ===================

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 08:18 AM
من هو مهتم بهذا الرحال ويريد ان يطلع علي ماكتب من خلال رحلته

هذا رابط به جميع كتب هذا الرحاله


وعلي فكرة الشخص المهتم بالتجاره يستطيع ان يستأذن من المؤلف او ال عائلة المؤلف او من محاميهم او وكيلهم في هذا الزمن ويترجم كتب هذا الرحالة الي العربية سوف تجد لها زبائن في الوطن العربي يريدون ان يطلعوا علي ما كتب هذا الايطالي في زمان الماضي ..

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 08:35 AM
هذه اعمال هذا الرحالة باللغه الايطالية


اعتقد واضح هنا كل اعماله وكل رسائله وجميع الوثائق التي كتبها والخرائط التي دونها في مذكراته عن الجزيرة العربيه عموما وباب المندب تحديدا

هذا الرحاله كانت له مهمه وقد انتها منها وسلم المهمه الي خليفة ياتي بعده

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 08:55 AM
Carlo (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) Italian traveler in Central Arabia. The first Europeans visited the ancient and the famous oasis of Khaibar, and made a trip to Jebel Shammar, who gave valuable results. In February 1864 in Teynmu from the north-west arrived Italian Carlo (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) in order to purchase horses for the French and Savoyard yards. He stayed in Arabia, and made the most important of all the known travels Central Arabia. From him we first learned about a great distance to the west and south-west of feeding Shammar oases and wells, says geographer Hogarth. He view Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) not only for the first time provided an opportunity for scientific mapping of central Arabia, but also gave cartographers more material, than any of his successors, except Hubert, until very recently. Najd drew Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) fact that since very early times was the cradle of the the perfect type of horse breeds. Bloodstock Arabia enjoy the same known as her coffee, at least it was not until the advent of oil. Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) was well prepared for the journey to Najd did not because was very well informed about everything that concerned Arabia and Islam, "but before just because it had excellent relations with the Bedouin tribes. In the fact, this scion of a noble Italian family for a long time was in Jerusalem as an agent of the French imperial transport. Thus, he had the opportunity to make numerous trips to the Palestine, Egypt and Syria, supporting permanent trade relations with nomadic tribes of those countries, and acquired a thorough knowledge of all that they were connected. Especially well he knew the land lying between Jerusalem and Dead Sea. In 1863 Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) was summoned to Paris by the Minister of Agriculture economy (which he subsequently devoted his book): it was the purchase horses for the imperial stables. Victor Emmanuel II, taking advantage of this, also instructed him to purchase the Arab stallions producing for Italy. Therefore Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) sent to Najd to Shammar prince, who were particularly great opportunity to help him get the best copies have his subjects Bedouins. But Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) was another request, coincided with his own noble aspirations, namely to include the Italian name Honorary number of names of the great travelers of the age of Burckhardt to Wallin, gained fame as the remarkable geographical discoveries. These hopes Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) left the family, which is a dangerous expedition Carlo (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) plunged into grief. He set off on Jan. 26, 1864 in a suit and Bedouin accompanied by a faithful servant of an Arab, who, incidentally, in Beytlahme almost left it covered a superstitious fear when meeting a funeral procession.
First Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) arrived at the park one of the tribal chiefs along the border with Petreyskoy Arabia and from there went into the country in the society of one of the sheikhs this tribe, his cousin and another rider, and these people themselves offered to accompany him. Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) going from camp to camp, getting to know Bedouin hospitality, which is found everywhere, until the leader's home Beni Sakhr, where he managed to exchange three pistol and dromedary obtain a letter of recommendation to the Allies the Beni Sakhr. Another letter addressed to Sheikh independent Ataiba, he wrote the leader of the tribe Rwala, introducing the Italian in this letter as a purchaser of horses sent to Turkish Government. Being a Turk in the eyes of the Arabs is not so good, but Christian and a Frenchman of Italian origin that's very bad. The first thing you see Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) arrived later in Hail, the corpse of the Persian Jews killed by mob for that, calling himself a Muslim and being exposed, he refused utter the creed of Islam. The poor came to Najd to buy horses for the Shah of Persia. In Egypt, where the news came of the death, felt that it was a Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#), and the family had mourned him as dead, Meanwhile, he himself, full of vitality, with appetite destroyed pilaf and due diligence performed rituals of Islam, the prayer of the heart turning to God, mouth to Muhammad. According to him, the man reshivshiysya at such a difficult company requiring it to use all possible means, and even attempt the impossible, must not stop before any obstacle. Remembering the teachings of Christ to those who blessed, but not forgetting the rotting the corpse of an Israeli, I decided in my heart that will not involve itself in the number of poor in spirit, and not finding paradise on the Rights of the fool. A true Bedouin, having carrying nothing but worn-out clothing, warm coat lamb leather and fur with water, Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) together with his servant and the conductor comes to Time, which already visited Wallin. In order not to risk money in the wilderness, he leaves them on preserve his companion in the Times and sent to pasture Ataiba. Suspicious Sheikh likely would have taken him for a Turkish spy, than a lover horses, but nevertheless Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) fulfilled its mission, suppressing the desire to buy a few excellent breed of horses, but too small for European taste. Making purchases, Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) came to goal achievement which contributed to his fame. The purpose of this was Khaibar, a city located far from the caravan road, slightly short of Medina.
On This city traveler di Vartema said that inhabit it four or five thousands of Jews are circumcised, very dark-skinned Moors, and hate. No one yet was in Khaybar and was unable to verify this curious message. Abu al-Fida wrote: It is a land of children Anzaba. Khaibar in the language of the Jews means a lock ... According Idrisi is a small, more like a large castle town, full of fruit and palm trees. Entering the city, surrounded by palm groves, Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) felt that he was in Sudan! As the Turkish envoy, he was politely adopted by the Governor, subjects Shammar Prince of Hail, and viewed the city much as he wanted. The city has about 2,5 thousand inhabitants and was divided into seven districts, each of which occupied one of the seven valleys Jebel Harr, irrigated in this place many sources with very clean water. Rises high above the valleys and massive rock on which is built very ancient fort of Qasr al-Iehuddi, which means Jewish castle. Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) visited the ruins of the building, but saw nothing except clutter stones without any trace of inscriptions or sculptures. As characteristics of the population, he explains them as follows: it is actually the descendants of Ethiopian slaves tribe valyad Suleiman and aleydan. They began to settle in Khaibar several centuries earlier, when their owners, many of who died of smallpox, emerged as a thought, because of bad water, left city. However, all their possessions gone did not give the new residents, retaining the right to receive post-harvest, two bunches of dates with each tree, but does not require any share of the harvest of all other cultures. So every year, both the ruling tribe coming to Khaibar, not entering, However, in the city, as it is believed that the water it is still dangerous for whites; black transfer their accrued dates and a tribute to the amount of 2 thousand thalers (9320 francs in 1865), which they undertook to pay Shammar Emir of Hail. According Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#), all these black Muslims, they have rather mild character. Of Khaibar traveler is sent to the region populated sedentary tribe eteym. However, in these same lands about a thousand of their tents pitched hand, a large genus of the tribe Ataiba. To go further the east, Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) joined marching in the same direction Ataiba. But tribe just at this time was at war with the reigning Tsar, Saudi Emir Faisal ibn Saud, a Bedouin camp and removed only for to try to break through or bypass the enemy lines, who were on surrounding heights.
Ahead traveled 200 horsemen in the middle were women and children, as well as the entire herd belongings, and finally, in the rear moved 700 shooters on camels. They walked four consecutive days, day and night, resting only a few hours a day on rare encampments breaking even tents and constantly subjected to raids nedzhdskih horsemen and warriors of the tribe of Beni Qahtan, the head of which stood Emir Abdullah, son of Faisal. By the evening of the fourth day of the tribe was in place its original parking space, but it has lost all of their herds; addition, 60 people were killed and 200 wounded. However, until the end of the war was still far off. Soon using betrayal Qahtan, 400 horsemen and 5 thousand archers of the tribe hand riding on a dromedary struck nedzhdtsev and carried among them this slaughter. Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) helped treat the wounded. During the division of spoils it received from the sheikh of the victorious tribe magnificent horse, the right to own a challenged several sheikhs. In addition, he bought three stallions producing value equals the cost of hundreds of camels, and, considering its mission done, began to think about returning. Meanwhile Ataiba weighed place. Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) left with the only guide on a huge plain, strewn, dead bodies sent to the tents eteym for two Bedouins, who would accompany the traveler and to protect his horses. Jackals ravens, wolves, hawks tore the bodies to pieces, "he wrote. I was shivering with fear. Finally, agreeing with eteymami that they would accompany him on his horse in time of his return journey, Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) chooses for himself a long way, not in able to give pleasure to see the Nejd and wishing to be represented Emir Faisal and his son. But most Anaiza he was stopped riders Emir Abdallah. Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) is they had with him letters of recommendation to Emir. Emir himself, not trusting the Turk, referred to in the letter, refused to and tells him to take hold in Anaiza, where the local governor allowed him to continue the path to Hail. Living Anaiza were primarily the fact that bought from Bedouins foals, grew them and sold then to adults horses in Persia and India. During his walks in the outskirts of Hail Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) had the opportunity to visit the prince-heir Rashidi, while as the prince visited the pasture in Jabal Shammar, where under the protection of 300 slaves were grazing almost 500 mares. Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) wrote that Dzhufeyfa, located in West Jabal, located on the vast plain, where twenty years will be set Other villages: already built some houses, dug wells, planted palm groves.
Supervisory Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) notes that Shammar locusts is both evil, and salvation. There, where a cloud of locusts descends, run all haste dig in the sand pit to fry insects. Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) would try it dish, but can not find it tasty: fried grasshoppers tasty, and cooked gelatinous, but the horse it replaces barley. Dried and beaten into powder insects are in small doses, nutritious product and may be in a form persist for years. He noted the warm reception accorded to him in the State Telal ibn Rashid, and regrets only reigning there, and brought to the extremes religious fanaticism (though not Wahhabi). as well as the laxity of morals, inherent in both men and women who are, incidentally, extraordinary beauty. Finally Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) leaves Jebel Shammar and sent, together with their horses along the route traversed Wallin, but in the opposite direction. The biggest danger waiting for him in the Wadi Sirhan. He traveled with the caravan of 182 armed men traveling to Hauran. But the Bedouin tribe shararat and Ceylan, united, attacked the caravan in order to rob him. Bewailing two dead and bringing with them ten men wounded, the caravan comes to parking completely devastated and the very poor condition. Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) gives his companions fifty-up dates and helps care for the wounded, four of which could not be saved. The next day he goes to Damascus, from returning to Jerusalem. His book, published by the Franciscans modestly this city, and immediately translated into French, not only differed sincerity, and contained a lot of data on the Bedouin tribes and their life, but also full of geographic information, the result of measurements made by a compass and a compass, and calculating distances. All this made it possible mapping of central Arabia. So thanks Wallin and Guarmani (http://yqyq.net/5385-Karlo_Guarmani.html#) were studied North Arabia and the State of princes Rashidi.

References For preparation of this work were used materials from the site rgo



ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 09:29 AM
أرسل Guarmani لنجد من قبل نابليون الثالث في عام 1862 ، بعد عامين من بالغريف. وبعد أن عاش في بلاد الشام منذ عام 1850 ، وقال انه كان بالفعل المتخصص في الخيول العربية ، وحصل على المال لشراء الفحول من الخيل . ومتنكراٌ بزي تركي مسلم ، ووجد معاملته حسنه مع مجاملة من قبل القبائل التي واجهها وسافر على نطاق واسع في المنطقة يبحث عن الخيول.

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 10:10 AM






ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 10:26 AM
William Gifford Palgrave (1826–1888

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/M198111290006.jpg/220px-M198111290006.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:M198111290006.jpg) http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.5/common/images/magnify-clip.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:M198111290006.jpg)


هذا الرحال سبق كارلو غورماني بدخوله الي الجزيرة العربيه بعامين

ولقد استفاد كارلو غورماني من مذكرات بالغرايف اثناء رحلته في الجزيرة العربيه

وهذه خط سير رحلة بالغرايف

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/11/Palgrave.jpg/500px-Palgrave.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Palgrave.jpg)

ابو فيصل الحر
13/09/2010, 10:28 AM

13/09/2010, 08:51 PM
مما يسرني كوني اول من علق على هذا الموضوع الرائع واصل ياأخ ابوفيصل افادتنا في هذا المجال

أبو رافع الظاعن
13/09/2010, 11:40 PM
أضف مــا وسعتـــك الإضــــافة ...يا أبــــا فيصـــــــل !

فهذه الخيمــــة تخضلُّ جوانبهـــا ، وتنـــدى حدائقهــــــا ، وتُمـــرع رباهــــا، بهــــــــــذا الدَّفق من نادر المعلومات ، ومطمـــور الذكـــريات !

كان بودِّي لو أنَّك يا أبا فيصــــــل هَصــَــرْتَ جناها ، وجعلتهــــا فــــي متناولِ أيدينا ...معشــــــرَ (الطرْمان) !!

حينَ تكونُ الإضافة بغير اللسان العربي المألوف ..

عمومــــاً : ما على المحسنين من سبيل ، وأنتَ أحسنتَ الإحسانَ كلَّهُ ...

ابو فيصل الحر
14/09/2010, 04:15 AM
أضف مــا وسعتـــك الإضــــافة ...يا أبــــا فيصـــــــل !

فهذه الخيمــــة تخضلُّ جوانبهـــا ، وتنـــدى حدائقهــــــا ، وتُمـــرع رباهــــا، بهــــــــــذا الدَّفق من نادر المعلومات ، ومطمـــور الذكـــريات !

كان بودِّي لو أنَّك يا أبا فيصــــــل هَصــَــرْتَ جناها ، وجعلتهــــا فــــي متناولِ أيدينا ...معشــــــرَ (الطرْمان) !!

حينَ تكونُ الإضافة بغير اللسان العربي المألوف ..

عمومــــاً : ما على المحسنين من سبيل ، وأنتَ أحسنتَ الإحسانَ كلَّهُ ...

هلا وغلا بك اخوي

وكل عام وانت بخير

هذا غيظ من فيظ اخوي

واي شي من هذه المشاركات لم تستوعبه ولم تستطيع ان تجمع من معلوماته شي اخبرني عن رقم المشاركة التي لديك عنها اي استفسار لو برساله وابشر من عيوني سوف ارد لك علي الخاص وليس هنا ...

انما لا يردك الا لسانك ...

نحن اخوة ونبحث في التاريخ ...

والتاريخ القديم البحث به ممتاز حيث انه يحتوي علي كثير من العلوم ...

وعلوم القدماء لن نحصيها ولو تحدثنا عنها لن يصدقنا الاخرين لعدم الاطلاع علي التاريخ من قبلهم

الله يحييك اخوي واهلا وسهلا بك مرة اخري....

عصا الترحال
15/09/2010, 07:46 AM
مشكور على هذا الجهد الرائع بارك الله فيك

15/09/2010, 09:18 AM
بالتوفيق انشالله

عبدالرحمن الحربي
15/09/2010, 11:02 AM
موضوع قييم والله يا أبو فيصل

لكن ودي لو كان مرتب ومنظم في طرحه وإخراجه


ياجماعة ركزوا في الخريطة لا حضوا تحديده الدقيق تقريباً في الخريطة تقسيمات مناطقل القبائل الجغرافية التي كانت تسكنها واللي منها
( عتيبة - الحويطات - حرب - المناصير - العجمان - شمر واللي كتابها شومر - بني هاجر - عنزه - قحطان - الشرارت - بني عطية - الربقة من عتيبه )

والخريطه من عام ١٨٦٢ م ميلادي

الخريطه بحجم كبير للي يبغى يلاحظ


ابو فيصل الحر
18/09/2010, 02:34 AM
هذا الحالة اتي الي الجزيرة العربيه لمهمتين

الاولي هي هذه


البحث عن اقتناء الخيل العربية الاصيله والاهتمام بها

والمهمة الثانية

اتي يبحث عن .............؟

واتي يتأكد من ..............؟

من حب ان يعرف ماذا كان يبحث عنه وعن ماذا اتي يتأكد منه يقراء في كتبه ومذكراته وما هي الجهه التي كان تدعمه وتمونه وهي التي ارسلته للمهمتين ؟؟ وعن ماذا كان يسأل عندما يحتك مع القبائل العربية ؟؟؟ هنا مربط الفرس حيث انه اتي لزيارة اماكن معينة كان يسأل عنها بألاسم .........ز

19/09/2010, 09:14 PM
الربقة من عتيبه ) يبدو ان صحتها الروقة من عتيبة