المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : FTDX9000D الجديد من yaesu

31/12/2004, 07:22 PM

200 watts, large TFT, built-in memory board, main & sub receiver
VRF, full dual rx, internal power supply.


FTDX9000 Contest:
200 watts, dual meters & LCD, VRF installed in main receiver, extra
key & headphone jacks, internal power supply.


400 watts, dual analog meter sets, LCD display, memory card
installed, main and sub receiver VRF, full dual rx,
external power supply with twin speaker enclosure.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++

Yaesu FTDX9000 series continues in the proud tradition of the FT-
1000D. This awesome radio was clearly the star attraction at the
2004 Dayton Hamvention. Covering HF and 6 meters; this radio will be
available in a total of three configurations including a 200 and 400
watt versions. The 200 watt versions feature a built-in power
supply. There will be an external power supply on the 400 watt

01/01/2005, 12:06 AM
مشكور على الموضوع بس لو كان فيه تعليق او شرح اخر،،،ثم وين نلقاه الجهاز وكم سعره وماهو نوع الامليفاير اللي يصلح له ،،والاريل كم ديبي يتحمله ،،،شاكرا ومقدرا تجاوبك :good: