المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : هدية قبل رمضان

صياد متهور
04/08/2010, 03:09 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كل عام وانتو بخير يا اعضاء مكشات

هذي صور بعض طلعات الصيد بالشرقيه

تفضلو بالصبع اليمين :D

اول شي الطعم الخاص

وهذا السبيطي








نجي للشعري




شعوم+ فسكر+ ربيب




هذا الفسكر طلع على الحلاو :D




يتبع لا احد يرد

04/08/2010, 03:19 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
وكل عام وانت بالف صحه وعافيه
أخوكــ/ ســـــــــــــــــــــــــاموراي

وارث المراجل
04/08/2010, 03:36 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله صيد العافيه اخوي

صياد متهور
04/08/2010, 03:38 PM
وهذا الهامور





لخمة رقطة



براكودا _ قدود_عقام








وهذا صيد الجبيل



وهذي شروق الشمس هدية لكم


ان شاء الله تكون عجبتكم الصور
واعذرونا على القصور
والسلام ختام

صياد متهور
04/08/2010, 03:40 PM
ياهلا فيكم اخوي ساموراي و روبينهو
منورين الصفحة

04/08/2010, 04:02 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن صيد وفير وصور رائعه

وشكرآ لك على الهديه

ورمضان كريم علينا وعليك

04/08/2010, 04:20 PM
اللهم صلي على سيدنا محمد
ياأخي إنتم عندكم شاطئ محترم
تعال شوف جدة على قولة طاش ماطاش
تشوف شاطئ جدة من مصر
أمس أدلدل السنارة أمام الشلال
ماتلاقي إلا البياعين حولك
مناشف مناشف شيل على عشرة
لبان لبان لبان لبان
لميت العدة ورجعت البيت
لأنهم كانو من بعدب يضايقوني بالليزر حق السيوف البلاستيكية
أطلع الكرنيش الكل يتلم عليك كأنك جي من الفضاء
تطلع خط الكباين والشاليهات كلها مقفولة وأحواش خاصة
وتوصل إلى آخرملكوت الله تلاقيها مقفلة
الله يعين

صياد متهور
04/08/2010, 04:29 PM
الله يباك فيك اخوي عبد الله العفو ومنور بمرورك علينا

صياد متهور
04/08/2010, 04:33 PM
ياهلاا فيك اخوي ماكفيل انا جيت كدا مرة جدة بس مارحت اصيد ولااحظت الزحمة عندكم حياك ادا ناوي تجينا حاضرين لك وشرفنا مرورك علينا

04/08/2010, 04:54 PM
ماشاء الله
صيد رائع
ومشكور على الهديه
رمضان مبارك مقدما

صياد متهور
04/08/2010, 05:10 PM
الله يحييك اخوي mr.end وشرفنا مرورك يالغالي

04/08/2010, 05:17 PM
ما شاء الله تبارك الله

الله يوفقكم وعقبال الكنعد

حبيت أسألك يخوي هذي المناطق اللي صدتوا فيها وين؟؟

الرزق على الله وأنا ياخوي صار لي سنه اتمنى سبيطي والا مزيزي ولا شي 3 او 2 كيلو ما طلعت وما خليت الدمام الواجهه البحرية ولا الكورنيش ولا كورنيش سيهات وكورنيش القطيف وكورنيش الناصرة ورأس تنورة والجبيل الفانتير والمردومة وكورنيش طيبه في الجبيل وكورنيش الجبيل حتى رأس ابو علي رحتها مرتين بس نغرز ونطلع سياراتنا ونمشي او يصير الجو غير جيد او يجينا خفر السواحل يقول هنا ممنوع
يخوك ولا صدنا شي والطعوم مصارين وميد ومنجوس وروبيان وخثاق

اذكر مره بالفناتير صدنا وحرة 3 كيلو يمكن ورأس تنورة ضرب علينا شي باقي قليل ويكسر السناره وفلت وغيرها يخوي قرقفان وزمارير وحاجات صغيره

وبغيت أسألك يخوي وش الطريقة اللي تستخدمها؟
انا عادة اصيد بالسنارة او الجله وبالسنارة دايم احط الثقل والمدور وخيط وأشك الميد او اي طعم فيه

الله يرزقنا وأياكم الخير

صياد متهور
04/08/2010, 06:00 PM
ما شاء الله تبارك الله

الله يوفقكم وعقبال الكنعد
حبيت أسألك يخوي هذي المناطق اللي صدتوا فيها وين؟؟
كورنيش الدمام عند الفن تايم يمين ويسار والمرجان على الطريق ومن الفن تايم الى الكورنيش توقع تلقانا في اي مكان هناك والجبيل مادل فيها وراس تنورة عند القصر وعند اخر دوار
الرزق على الله وأنا ياخوي صار لي سنه اتمنى سبيطي والا مزيزي ولا شي 3 او 2 كيلو ما طلعت وما خليت الدمام الواجهه البحرية ولا الكورنيش ولا كورنيش سيهات وكورنيش القطيف وكورنيش الناصرة ورأس تنورة والجبيل الفانتير والمردومة وكورنيش طيبه في الجبيل وكورنيش الجبيل حتى رأس ابو علي رحتها مرتين بس نغرز ونطلع سياراتنا ونمشي او يصير الجو غير جيد او يجينا خفر السواحل يقول هنا ممنوع
يخوك ولا صدنا شي والطعوم مصارين وميد ومنجوس وروبيان وخثاق

اذكر مره بالفناتير صدنا وحرة 3 كيلو يمكن ورأس تنورة ضرب علينا شي باقي قليل ويكسر السناره وفلت وغيرها يخوي قرقفان وزمارير وحاجات صغيره

وبغيت أسألك يخوي وش الطريقة اللي تستخدمها؟
انا عادة اصيد بالسنارة او الجله وبالسنارة دايم احط الثقل والمدور وخيط وأشك الميد او اي طعم فيه
هدي الطريقة اللي اصيد فيها
الله يرزقنا وأياكم الخير

آمين ويرزق الجميع

وليد الغربة
04/08/2010, 06:59 PM
اللهم صلي على سيدنا محمد

بارك الله فيك
ماشاء الله

تبارك الله

طلعات موفقة

وماقصرت بصراحة اخي صياد متهور

ولك مني الف سلام

اخوك وليدالغربة

04/08/2010, 08:22 PM
ما شاء الله عليكم تميز وابداااااع

04/08/2010, 08:42 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
تقارير طلعات ولا احلى
والصيد جدا وفير واحجام xxxxxl
عليكم بالف عافية

رائد ابو محمد
04/08/2010, 09:18 PM
ما شاء الله تبارك الله
صيد طيب واحجام رائعة وتشكيلة حلوة جدا
مشكور اخي على الصور وكل عام وانتم بالف خير

الجامح البحري
04/08/2010, 09:43 PM
ماشالله تبارك الله

طلعه موفقه وصيد موفق

وكل عام وانتم بالف خير

04/08/2010, 10:49 PM
صياد متهور
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
كل عام وانت بخير
ماشاء الله صيد طيب وهدية اطيب
بس والله M1000 قصته تبكي وانت يظهر انك ماتأثرت على الاقل تدليه مكان واحد وتعلمه عن نوع
واحد من الييم
لا وردك عليه الله يرزق الجميع كانك تقوله روح الله يعطيك...............

صياد متهور
04/08/2010, 10:59 PM
ياهلاا فيكم اخواني
وليد الغربة و أحمد و accentkool (http://mekshat.com/vb/member.php?u=87937) رائد أبو محمد و الجامح البحري و بحر الخبر
على مروركم منورين اخوني وحياكم الله

صياد متهور
04/08/2010, 11:04 PM
صياد متهور
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
كل عام وانت بخير
ماشاء الله صيد طيب وهدية اطيب
بس والله M1000 قصته تبكي وانت يظهر انك ماتأثرت على الاقل تدليه مكان واحد وتعلمه عن نوع
واحد من الييم
لا وردك عليه الله يرزق الجميع كانك تقوله روح الله يعطيك...............
وعليكم السلام ورحم الله وبركاته
وانت بخير تسلم اخوي ماتقصر
والله ماقصدي شي انا كتبت له الاماكن اللي اروحها والصيد من كل مكان رحتو والطعم نسيته وذكرك الله بالشهادة لانك ذكرتني الطعم في أول سبيطي كان اخطبوط واللي غيرو زمارير وميد وجواف واللي في الرمل على خبز ساندويش والهامور على حمام والبركودا على حمام باغة الكبير تقصه نصين وبالتوفيق
أخوي M1000 انا اعتذر ان كان غلطت بحق والله ماكان قصدي ودا تبي شي انا حاضر راسنلي على الخاص .
أخوي بحر الخبر منور بطلتك الحلوة علينا والسموحة
منور الصفحة

04/08/2010, 11:29 PM
مشكور ياخوي على طرح الصور الجميلة

04/08/2010, 11:54 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله

صيد وفير واحجام محترمه

عليكم بالعافيه ومشكور عالتقرير

تحياتي لك

دمت بخير

نبض الحياه
05/08/2010, 01:18 AM

صياد متهور
05/08/2010, 09:24 AM
مشكورين اخواني
الكونتر وsaو نبض الحياة
منورين بمروركم

دل البحار
05/08/2010, 09:33 AM
ماشاء الله على الصيد الوفير ومبروك عليكم وبالعافيه

05/08/2010, 10:07 AM
السلام عليكم

أبهرني الموضوع
فعلاً انت صياد
صدت أجمل سمكة يتمناها الحداقة "لسبيطي"
واصطدت الأثمن من ذلك "دماثة خلقك"
اللي أبهرني في الموضوع فعلاً سعة البال وطيب الخلق اللي اندرج في ردودك وكرمك في الإيضاح التام

لا هنت ياخوي , وليت الكل يتسع صدره وياخد الامور برحابة صدر

أهنيك يا بطل

05/08/2010, 10:10 AM
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
و كل عام و انت بصحة و سلامه
و صيد العافية

05/08/2010, 10:58 AM
ما شاء الله تبارك الله
تقرير متميز

صياد متهور
05/08/2010, 11:42 AM
السلام عليكم

أبهرني الموضوع
فعلاً انت صياد
صدت أجمل سمكة يتمناها الحداقة "لسبيطي"
واصطدت الأثمن من ذلك "دماثة خلقك"
اللي أبهرني في الموضوع فعلاً سعة البال وطيب الخلق اللي اندرج في ردودك وكرمك في الإيضاح التام

لا هنت ياخوي , وليت الكل يتسع صدره وياخد الامور برحابة صدر

أهنيك يا بطل
تسلم اخوي احرجتني بكلامك الطيب والكل هنا بدان الله اخلاقهم عالية نصحح لبعض
تسلم اخوي والله جد جد احرجتني

منورين اخواني وحياكم الله قبل رمضان وكل عام وانتو بالف خير

05/08/2010, 11:55 AM
صايد وفايد

صياد متهور
05/08/2010, 12:03 PM
تسلم اخوي
حياك الله منور

05/08/2010, 12:48 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
وكل عام وانت بصحه وعافيه
1ما شاء الله تبارك الله
صيد وافي من رجال سنافي
والله يعطيك العافيه على الصور
تقبل مروري
اخوك:صياد الشرقيه66

عاشق الكنايا
05/08/2010, 01:27 PM
مشكور على الموضوع الحلو

صياد متهور
05/08/2010, 02:07 PM
اخوي صياد الشرقية يعطيك العافية ماقصرت
عاشق كناية العفو با حلو
منورين اخواني وحياكم الله

باترول 82
05/08/2010, 08:10 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله

الله يعطيكم العافيه اخوي صيد متنوع ومميز

وعليك بألف عافيه

مراقب الصيد
05/08/2010, 11:29 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله صيد العافيه
كل هالحداق بالسنارة

صياد متهور
06/08/2010, 12:13 AM
ياهلاا فيكم نورتو بمروركم حياكم الله
بالنسبة للحداق اكثرهـ ببالسنارة والسبيطية اللي بالرمل بخبز ساندويش وخيط بدون ثقل
والاخطبوط بمنكوسة(منجوسة) وخيط بدون ثقل (سماري) (حلالي)
بالتوفيق للجميع ومنورين

أسسسير الشوق
06/08/2010, 01:09 AM
ماشاء الله صيد رائع يعطيك العافيه أخوي صياد متهور ومشكور على الهديه ورمضان مبارك مقدما

صياد متهور
06/08/2010, 03:13 AM
يعافيك ربي ويسلمك من مكروه
العفو ولو انتو اخوانا ولازم نبسطكم ويانا
رمضان مبارك على الجميع يارب ..
منور اخوي اسير بمرورك علينا ..

06/08/2010, 04:02 AM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
وكل عام وانت بالف صحه وعافيه

صياد متهور
06/08/2010, 10:30 AM
ربي يعافيك ويبقيك
وانت بالف صحة وعاافية
منور الموضوع حايك الله

06/08/2010, 10:46 AM
ما شاء الله تبارك الرحمن
عليكم بالعافية
إذا ما عليك امر إذا فيه إحداثيات للمكان

صياد متهور
06/08/2010, 01:00 PM
يعافيك ربي ويخليك
الاحداثيت احنا صيدنا كولو سيف
من الرملة اللي في كورنيش الدمام اللين المرجان وبالاخص عند الفن تايم
هدي الاحداثيات ادا بدك اياها
منور خيو بمرورك علينا

06/08/2010, 06:48 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
الله يعطيك العافية على هذي الهدية
وكل رمضان وانت إلى الله أقرب

محمد العولقي
06/08/2010, 07:05 PM
ماشــــــــــــاءالله عليكــــــــــــــــــم بالعــــــــــــــــــــــافيــــــــــــــــــه

أبو نوران
06/08/2010, 08:14 PM
ماشاء الله عليكم بالعافية بالنواخده بس ماعلمتونا وين الصيد هذا في الدمام او الجبيل

صياد متهور
06/08/2010, 08:24 PM
ياهلاا فيكم اخواني نورتوا الموضوع
اخواني محار و محمد العولقي و ابو نوران
حياكم الله ووفقكم لطاعتة في رمضان وغير رمضان

22/08/2010, 01:10 PM
السلام عليكم ما شاء الله صيد مبارك عليكم بس ملاحظة اسمعت انتو تدورون اي حد صايد في الدمام وتلاحقونه وتتصورن مع الي يصيده غصب عنه وطقونه :D وتقولون هذا صيدنا:hot:

صياد متهور
22/08/2010, 02:13 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
ههههه ضحكتني من جد قولي من اللي غصبناه دول كولهم اخويانا ومكلمهم قبل مانزل صورهم لاتحاول صورتك موب بينهم ^_* مززوح حياك منور

غوص البحر
04/09/2010, 02:28 AM
مشاء الله هذا نعمه من ربي الهم ارزقنا من حيث لا نحتسب وشكرأ

غوص البحر
04/09/2010, 02:29 AM
اماء كل هذا في الشرقيه مفيها شي وجده

غريق بوحدتي
04/09/2010, 02:41 AM
صيد رائع واتمنى لك التوفيق

صياد متهور
06/09/2010, 04:14 PM
اخوي غوص البحر: آمين وارزق جميع المسلمين
نعم هدا كول صيد الشرقية ومن السيف قصبات وخيوط(دريات).
اخوي غريق بوحدتك امزح(بوحدتي) منور حياك الله وفقك الله
منورين اخواني وحياكم الله

08/09/2010, 01:55 AM
اخوي صياد متهور بالنسبة لتعليقي كانت مزحة بس مزحة بايخة وانا اسف ويشهد الله انك بغلاوة اخوي سامحنا ترا احيانا الواحد بخبص بعدين بيسأل حاله ليش كتبت هيك وليش عملت هيك حاولت اخفف دم بس ما طلع بيدي سامحنا وكل عام وانت بخير انت والشباب

صياد متهور
08/09/2010, 02:29 AM
اخوي صياد متهور بالنسبة لتعليقي كانت مزحة بس مزحة بايخة وانا اسف ويشهد الله انك بغلاوة اخوي سامحنا ترا احيانا الواحد بخبص بعدين بيسأل حاله ليش كتبت هيك وليش عملت هيك حاولت اخفف دم بس ما طلع بيدي سامحنا وكل عام وانت بخير انت والشباب

ولو اخوي انا والله والله مازعلت منك ولا اخدت بخاطري شي وداري بقصدك وانت بالف صحة وسلامة حياك اخوي

همام 1
08/09/2010, 03:38 AM
الله يعطيك العافيه

صياد متهور
08/09/2010, 04:21 AM
الله يعطيك العافيه

الله يعافيك ويخليك منور اخوي

08/09/2010, 10:17 AM
ماشاء الله صيد موفق بلعافية

صياد متهور
08/09/2010, 12:25 PM
ماشاء الله صيد موفق بلعافية
حيا الله العمدة مشرفنا والله شرفتني بمرورك على الموضوع منور ياعمدة

08/09/2010, 04:03 PM
صيد طيب ماشاء الله

مشكووور ع الهديه ويعطيك الف عافيه

صياد متهور
08/09/2010, 04:37 PM
صيد طيب ماشاء الله

مشكووور ع الهديه ويعطيك الف عافيه

العفو يعافيك ربي ويخليك منور

08/09/2010, 09:45 PM
صيد ممتاز ماشالله وعليك بالعافية كل عام وانت بخير

صياد متهور
09/09/2010, 04:15 AM
صيد ممتاز ماشالله وعليك بالعافية كل عام وانت بخير

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09/09/2010, 05:16 AM
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09/09/2010, 06:42 AM
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09/09/2010, 01:27 PM
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09/09/2010, 02:35 PM
NFL Week Two Odds and Linesby Tim FuriousThe first week of football is behind us, and now the serious NFL wagering can begin.2 or 3 receiver who can impact a game by moving the chains or getting deep on an opponent's nickelback. As is to be expected with Week 1 betting, only one winning team failed to cover the NFL point spread.2 million agreement with the new york jets on march 14, 2010. Not any expected Tom Brady to be gone with the wind, but a huge amount of gambling degenerates also god fleeced by San Diego and Indianapolis.2 yards-per-reception.BetUS gladly brings you a preview of every, single game this week to get you set up for your NFL betting weekend! EARLY BIRDSOakland Raiders (0-1) vs.2008 season mike devito glimpsed considerable more playing time seeming in all 16 sport and notes not less than one undertake in 14 games. Kansas City Chiefs (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Kansas -3.after contemplating going into the nfl draft, departing usc or moving to a distinct school (with simpler learned requirements), washington was boosted by his parents,Jahvid Best jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/detroit-lions-jerseys/jahvid-best-jersey-detroit-lions-best-jersey-team-color-blue-p-9327.html), partners and university employees to stay in school and aim on academics while giving his own way through school.5 (36)We kick this week off with an absolute dud.after glimpsing restricted activity as a sophomore, he was a first-team all-district assortment as a juvenile after listing 92 undertakes, nine dismisses and a impeded additional issue attempt. The Raiders looked lifeless last week, especially after they inexplicably abandoned their running game and Darren McFadden left with a shoulder injury.after missing almost three weeks, sanchez was unblocked to play in the opener contrary to virginia on the last scrimmage of drop camp. The Raiders are 2-6 ATS in their last 6 games and have gone 1-9 SU in their last 10 games against KC.after his time in brampton, he obtained three scholarship boasts from national collegiate athletic association (ncaa) schools before acknowledging one from rutgers.This Raiders, at least, lost to a good team.5 dismisses and 154 tackles. I bet that they bounce back this week.5 backyards per greeting, with a time of the year long of 60 yards. Oakland, at least, has some big play ability.40—a discount so large that it is considered shoplifting under florida law. I can’t say the same about KC, especially after Dwayne Bowe practically lost the game for the Chiefs by dropping a pass in the endzone.5 backyards on 43 punts, shattering the school record held by dike eddleman since 1948 (43.NFL FREE PICK: OAK +3.after 2001 and 2002 crusades which glimpsed his general figures fall,Kevin Williams Vikings jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/minnesota-vikings-jerseys/kevin-williams-jersey-19612010-50th-patch-minnesota-vikings-93-kevin-williams-jersey-purple-p-9957.html), ellis rebounded in 2003 with an outstanding 12.5 (UNDER)Tennessee Titans (1-0) vs.2004 chauncey washington was directed academically ineligible for the 2004 time of the year and was redshirted. Cincinnati Bengals (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Cincinnati -1 (37.2010 nfl draft considered one of the best fullbacks available in the 2010 nfl draft, john conner was selected in the fifth round (139th overall) by the new york jets.5)The Titans will be without the services of quarterback Vince Young for nearly a month.a labouring pennington was dragged by head adviser eric mangini in the middle of the fourth quarter and restored by clemens. Should that worry you? Absolutely not! The Titans are a running team with a sick defense that will put away the sputtering Bengals with ease.a four-time pro bowl assortment, tony richardson has furthermore performed for the minnesota vikings and kansas city chiefs. The Titans are 11-5 ATS in their last 16 games, and Chris Johnson looks like a rookie of the year candidate.a defensive undertake his first two times of the year, dan gay swapped to attack guard in 2006 and went on to start the next three years alternating between every attack line place with the exclusion of center.NFL FREE PICK: TEN +1 (UNDER)Indianapolis Colts (0-1) vs.2008 on march 3, 2008, pace and the new york jets came to periods on a six-year, $42 million deal that encompasses $22 million in assured money. Minnesota Vikings (0-1)NFL Gambling Line: Indianapolis -2.95 three-cone drill 3.5 (43.94 short shuttle 10-foot-11 broad jump matthew mulligan matthew ben mulligan (born january 18,Donte Stallworth Jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/cleveland-browns-jerseys/cleveland-browns-18-donte-stallworth-jersey-brown-p-7411.html), 1985 in bangor, maine) is an american football taut end for the new york jets of the national football league.5)Last week the Colts were victimized by a team that was efficient on the ground, and vultures on defense.a couple of roster moves. Minnesota looks like an even better version of Chicago on paper, but the Colts passing game is too much for Minnesota.a 2008 honorable-mention all-big 12 coaches’ choice at nebraska, he recorded 88 tackles, three sacks and 17 tackles-for-loss in his collegiate career. Peyton Manning on company looked a little out of sync last weekend, but in a dome I like Peyton’s chances of decimating a team that has gone 4-9 ATS in their last 13 games at home.a 10-game starter at right guard in 2006, dan gay mainly performed right undertake as a juvenile, but furthermore begun one game at left guard and five at left undertake due to an wound to peak 10 outlook jason smith.NFL FREE PICK: INDIANPOLIS -2.53 40 yard dash 41 inch vertical 26 bench reps 6.5 (OVER)New Orleans Saints (1-0) vs.0 backyards per punt). Washington Redskins (0-1)NFL Betting Line: PK (42)Washington is again one of the most overrated teams in the league, while the Saints look like they’re piecing things together.2010 season with the exodus of defensive end marques douglas, it appears probable mike devito will be in the blend for the beginning job. Making this game a pick ‘em makes it a safe bet on the Saints to win outright, in spite of losing Marques Colston for 4-6 weeks.2010 season revis liked to renegotiate his agreement with the group as both edges had acquiesced he outperformed his at the time present (rookie) agreement next his stunning 2009 season.NFL FREE PICK: NO (UNDER)Green Bay Packers (1-0) vs.after expending time with the perform squad and with the scottish claymores,JOE THOMAS jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/cleveland-browns-jerseys/cleveland-browns-73-joe-thomas-jersey-in-white-p-7415.html), brandon moore first glimpsed activity in 2003,Chad Ochocinco jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/cincinnati-bengals-jerseys/cincinnati-bengals-85-ocho-cinco-jersey-in-black-p-7392.html), seeming in three sport and beginning one. Detroit Lions (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Green Bay -3 (44.after a year of observing, discovering and getting more powerful, dustin started to get many of time on the area and brandish his power and athleticism.5)Some things never change.4 backyards per punt and held a 4. The Packers still look like Kings in the NFC North, while the Detroit Lions look like…well…the Detroit Lions.4 backyards per convey, and 21 touchdowns. The only question mark on Green Bay was Aaron Rodgers, and I’m pretty sure you’re a believer now.4 backyards per punt on 57 endeavours, shattering the record he set the preceding season. The oddsmakers won’t be fully convinced for weeks on Rodgers, so cash in as the Packers become spread monsters again this year!NFL FREE PICK: GREEN BAY -3 (OVER)Chicago Bears (1-0) vs. bo bo smith what they're saying: showing a lot of natural skill and giving effort on the field,bo smith is an aggressive cornerback with good upside. Carolina Panthers (1-0)NFL Betting Line: Carolina -3 (37)The battle of the upstarts takes us down South,Jason Pierre-Paul Jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/new-york-giants-jerseys/jason-pierrepaul-jersey-new-york-giants-pierrepaul-jersey-team-color-blue-p-9336.html), where the Panthers look to squeak out one more victory until Steve Smith returns.57 seconds 20 backyard short shuttle = 4. Chicago returned to an old formula last weekend, beating Indy with an unexpectedly strong rushing attack, and a stifling defense that is once again healthy.59 40 backyard dash 33 inch vertical jump 23 bench press repetitions 7.Both teams are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games.2007 mark brunell underwent surgery on january 8, 2007, to fix a impaired labrum in his throwing shoulder, but returned in time for teaching camp. However, I like what they’re doing in Chicago overall.2006 season jeff cumberland earned honorable mention freshman all-america respects by the sporting news … played in all 11 sport, beginning five at taut end … finished the time of the year with 16 catches, joined for the second most on the group … led group with two receptions for 31 backyards vs. The Panthers just look like one of those kitchen sink teams that needs to unload everything in order to win.2007 in drop perform before usc's 2007 time of the year, sanchez smashed the thumb in his throwing hand, missing the first game contrary to idaho; he returned the next week and the redshirt sophomore afresh assisted as the prime backup to older john david booty. You can’t do that every weekend, and you certainly can’t feel safe backing them in our sportsbook with that kind of mentality.2007 david clowney was marked by the new york jets on october 3, 2007.NFL FREE PICK: CHICAGO +3 (UNDER)New York Giants (1-0) vs.0 dismisses, three broken-up passes, and three compelled fumbles. St.0 dismisses, two compelled fumbles, and one fumble recovery. Louis Rams (0-1)NFL Betting Line: NYG -8.15 seconds vertical jump = 32.5 (41.16 backyards per rec.5)The defending champs can move the ball any which way, and their defense is better than we expected.12, following the jets' bye on oct. The Giants may not need a solid defense for now if their offense can continue to wear down defenses.1 backyards per game (second best in conference usa) and had five 100-yard obtaining sport, which was the most in a lone time of the year at ecu. “This is a huge spread though!!!” Oh really? Did you see St.1 choose on attack undertake d'brickashaw ferguson in an effort to rebuild their attack line. Louis last weekend? Right.1 rtg), eighth in the homeland in tallying protecting against (16.NFL FREE PICK: NYG -8.3 ppg) and 16th nationally in total protecting against (307.5 (OVER)Buffalo Bills (1-0) vs.0 undertakes for decrease, 6. Jacksonville Jaguars (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Jax -5.54 40 yard dash 36 inch vertical 6.5 (37)My favorite game of the week once again stars the Buffalo Bills! Buffalo may be the best all-round team, when you factor that their special teams unit accounted for 22 of 34 points last weekend.) with 2 tds in 2002 regardless of missing 5 sport with a knee injury. Their front seven is fast enough to shut down a Jacksonville running game, and their offense is efficient enough to score if necessary.) with 23 tds while catching 13 passes for 200 backyards (15. Don’t fall asleep on Buffalo again this year!NFL FREE PICK: BUFFALO +5.martin tevaseu height:6-2 weight:325 age:22 college:nevada-las vegas experience:r team:new york jets martin tevaseu (dt/6-1/310/nevada-las vegas/boonville, ca) was before marked as an undrafted free agency by the cleveland browns on may 17, 2010, and was issued on june 15.5 (OVER)AFTERNOON TEAAtlanta Falcons (1-0) vs.3 of their preseason cornerback power ranking. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Tampa -8 (38)Michael who? The Falcons literally ran Detroit out of the building last weekend, compiling an astonishing 318 yards on the ground with a 220 yard, two touchdown performance from Michael Turner.aaron kia height:6-5 weight:290 age:24 college:hawaii hometown:mililani, hi experience:r team:new york jets references bassett (may 3, 2010). With Matt Ryan completing 9-of-13 for 161 yards and a score, I’d say that this team has a good shot at surprising…if their defense wasn’t so horrific.a wholesome pennington produced in little playing time for clemens in 2006.The Bucs lack any big play ability, but I’d say a lot of that had to do with Galloway and Garcia’s rust.2 grading in the coaches poll and no. The defense will not be surprised by Burner and Ryan this week, and I say the rookie quarterback puts his team in serious jeopardy as he tries to throw an a pick-happy secondary in Tampa.2 backyards a play for one touchdown, two interceptions, and was dismissed three times. The Bucs are still 10-5 ATS in their last 15 games against Atlanta.19, 2006 by david carr of the houston texans).NFL FREE PICK: TAMPA -8 (OVER)San Francisco 49ers (0-1) vs.2007 nfl draft darrelle revis broadcast he would decline his older year at pittsburgh to go in the 2007 nfl draft; he was advised one of the peak 3 cornerbacks available—along with leon hall of michigan and aaron ross of texas—,and was one of the 30 to be drafted. Seattle Seahawks (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Seattle -7 (38)Seattle can’t throw or run, and they apparently can’t play defense either.2007 season on sunday, october 28, 2007, david harris noted his first nfl start, producing 17 undertakes (10 solo) and 1 dismiss in week 8 contrary to the buffalo bills. A lot is left to be desired in San Francisco, but getting points against a horrific team will suit their betting backers quite nicely.2008 in the 2008 preseason game clowney directed all receivers with four receptions for 163 backyards and two touchdowns. The Niners get back on track by rewarding their betting faithful this weekend.2008 mark sanchez went into jump perform after the 2008 time of the year as the front-runner to conquer the beginning quarterback place, but faced powerful affray from arkansas-transfer and previous razorback starter mitch mustain and redshirt freshman aaron corp; mustain, like sanchez a year previous, was the peak quarterback in the territory approaching out of high school in 2006.NFL FREE PICK: SAN FRANCISCO +7 (UNDER)New England Patriots (1-0) vs.5 dismisses, 10 stresses, one compelled fumble and a impeded boot in eight association contests. New York Jets (1-0)NFL Betting Line: NYJ -1.2 in the coaches poll and no.5 (37)Though I believe that Matt Cassell is better than anyone expects, I also feel the Jets are as good as everyone estimates them to be.0 1,609 7 4 professional career nfl draft following his older time of the year, mark mark brunell was chosen by the green bay packers in the 5th around of the 1993 nfl draft. Brett Favre will lead an amped Jets team to give the Patriots their first regular season loss in over a year.”warren aggravated an ankle junction wound soon before the nfl combine,Tony GONZALEZ jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/atlanta-falcons-jerseys/atlanta-falcons-88-tony-gonzalez-jersey-in-white-p-7266.html), where he laboured in place drills and ran the 40-yard dash in 4. This will begin to even a 10-1 SU record that the Pats hold over their hated, rival Jets.0 1,895 16 9 1992 127 219 58.NFL FREE PICK: NYJ -1.accomplishments and honors first contestant in partition 1-a annals to overtake for 8,000 backyards and run for 4,000 backyards in career first contestant in partition 1-a annals to overtake for 2,000 backyards and run for 1,000 backyards in a time of the year two times in a career second contestant in partition 1-a annals to hurry for 1,000 backyards and overtake for 2,000 backyards in a season fourth contestant in partition 1-a annals to tally 200 points and overtake for 200 points in a career sixth contestant in partition 1-a annals to overtake for 200 backyards and hurry for 200 backyards in a lone game (vs.5 (OVER)Baltimore Ravens (1-0) vs.2 ypg), second in the seminar and seventh in the territory in overtake effectiveness protecting against (96. Houston Texans (1-0)NFL Betting Line: Houston -4.(* comprises nfl combine) carolina panthers kris jenkins completed the 2002 time of the year with 60 undertakes and 7 dismisses, en path to an alternate look on the nfc's pro bowl group, where he restored an hurt warren sapp.5 (37. he subsequent tweeted it was time to wake n bake,RASHARD MENDENHALL jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/pittsburgh-steelers-jerseys/pittsburgh-steelers-34-rashard-mendenhall-throwback-jersey-ylw-p-7920.html)," a quotation to marijuana.5)Baltimore had fun beating up the Bengals last weekend, but are still 4-14 ATS in their last 18 games.29 attack guard outlook in the nation. Without a fully healthy Willis McGahee, and a rookie quarterback on the road, I say Houston wins this game outright.3 backyard average) and 23 punts for 182 backyards (7.They ran in to a juggernaut last weekend in Pittsburgh.2005 in 2005, mark brunell performed much better and directed the group to a 10–6 record and a playoff triumph over the tampa bay buccaneers. They return to form and continue their 4-1 ATS record at home.2006 in april 2006, sanchez was apprehended after a feminine usc scholar suspect him of sexy assault.NFL FREE PICK: HOUSTON -4.59 40 backyard dash at the nfl combine.5 (UNDER)Miami Dolphins (0-1) vs.” at the 2008 nfl combine, o'connell ran the 40-yard dash in 4. Arizona Cardinals (1-0)NFL Betting line: Arizona -6.5 dismisses and 2 interceptions, and made second group all-pro.5 (39)The Dolphins were largely able to pick apart the Jets last weekend because Chad Pennington knew that defense inside and out.5 dismisses and two interceptions. He doesn’t have the same advantage against the Cardinals, who have massive big play potential and a savvy coaching staff that makes this an easy pick.5 dismisses and one interception.NFL FREE PICK: ARIZONA -6.' he has abounding of arm.5 (UNDER)San Diego Chargers (1-0).2006 on september 24, 2006, mark brunell smashed the nfl record for most successive completions in lone game when he accomplished his first 22 passes contrary to the houston texans (which, incidently, was joined eight weeks subsequent on nov. Denver Broncos (1-0)NFL Betting Line: an Diego -1.aaron wilson (may 3, 2010).5 (45.aaron wilson (july 20, 2010).5)Betting against the Broncos at home, with a returning Brandon Marshall is simply dumb.2009 season in early september mike devito marked a 3-year agreement elongation to stay with the new york jets through 2012. The Chargers are a great team, I have no doubt about that.2009 season clowney apprehended 14 passes for 191 yards in new york jets. But the Broncos have a nasty habit of fooling people (like me) especially when they play at home.2009 nfl season sione went into the 2009 time of the year a back up defensive tackle. Don’t bet against the Broncos unless they’re on the road for now.2009 season kenwin cummings was marked to the hardworking roster throughout the 2009 time of the year but did not take part in any games.The Chargers can move the chains, score at will, but they have a lot to prove after losing in the opener against an abysmal squad like Carolina.29 20 backyard shuttle 8-foot-11 broad jump professional career 2007 nfl draft david harris was projected to proceed any location from the late-second around to the fourth around former to the 2007 nfl draft.NFL FREE PICK: DENVER +1.5 dismisses and one fumble.5 (OVER)UNDER THE LIGHTSPittsburgh Steelers (1-0) vs.5 dismisses in 13 sport, shattering the previous record of 13 dismisses in a lone time of the year set in 1995 by mike vrabel. Cleveland Browns (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Pittsburgh -6 (44.2007 season jeff cumberland moved from taut end to receiver midway through the time of the year of new york jets… caught three passes for 37 backyards contrary to usc in the rose bowl … had a vocation game contrary to northwestern, catching four passes for 131 backyards and a touchdown – the first 100-yard obtaining game by an illini since 2005 – and hurried one time for 18 backyards … exploded at minnesota with a vocation high-tying four catches for 53 backyards and a touchdown, as well as a 24-yard run … caught his first overtake of 2007 at syracuse,AARON RODGERS jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/green-bay-packers-jerseys/green-bay-packers-12-aaron-rodgers-jersey-green-p-7529.html), a 22-yard touchdown on illinois’ first propel of the game.5)The Browns fell back to Earth the hardest way possible – by getting trounced by the Dallas Cowboys., has been chosen to five pro bowls and has been an all-pro six times. The Steelers are virtually the same team, posing a serious ground assault complimented by a consistent and dangerous aerial attack., the family dwelled in daleville,Dan Williams Jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/arizona-cardinals-jerseys/dan-williams-jersey-arizona-cardinals-williams-jersey-team-color-red-p-9319.html), alabama, where tony excelled as a three-sport letterman in football, basketball, and pathway & field. Bet on Pittsburgh’s defense to shut down a squandering Cleveland offense as the Browns get off to a bad start and let their betting faithful down., where he teamed with erron kinney and assisted the patrick henry patriots to the 1994 state football championship.NFL FREE PICK: PITTSBURGH -6 (OVER)Philadelphia Eagles (1-0) vs.25 million, including a signing bonus just over $1 million. Dallas Cowboys (1-0)NFL Wagering Line: Dallas -7 (47)Don’t be fooled, Eagles bettors.37 seconds 10 backyard dash = 1. Philadelphia can throw with Donavan McNabb playing at his absolute best, but we all know McNabb can’t keep up that pace.38 worth of apparel and were ascribed only $21. The Cowboys will be out to silence any critics that believe that Philadelphia has a legitimate shot at their crown.33 40-yard dash in jump testing.The Cowboys are the best team in football, now that Brady is gone and the Chargers have lost Merrimen.a pro bowl assortment in 2002, damien woody won two super bowl rings with the patriots. Don’t get suckered in to thinking their big play secondary will fall flat against McNabb this weekend.a pro bowl assortment in 2003, laveranues coles has furthermore performed for the washington redskins and cincinnati bengals. It ain’t happening.a three-time all-pro and four-time pro bowl assortment, kris jenkins performed seven times of the year for the panthers before being swapped to the jets in 2008.NFL FREE PICK: DALLAS -7 (OVER)Tim Furious is a regular contributor to the BetUS Locker Room, and is a VIP Account Manager.26 second hangtime average. He can be reached by dialing 1-888-51-BETUS (23887) and asking for Tim at extension 2305.275 million contract.123NFL FREE PICK: GREEN BAY -3 (OVER)Chicago Bears (1-0) vs.5) and quarterback stresses (15). Carolina Panthers (1-0)NFL Betting Line: Carolina -3 (37)The battle of the upstarts takes us down South, where the Panthers look to squeak out one more victory until Steve Smith returns.2008 season in late february, the jets swapped mlb jonathan vilma to the new orleans saints, and david harris was entitled the starter at inside linebacker for the 2008 season. Chicago returned to an old formula last weekend, beating Indy with an unexpectedly strong rushing attack, and a stifling defense that is once again healthy.2008 season as the beginning cornerback for the jets in his second time of the year,darrelle revis established himself as an all-pro cornerback after being joined for second amidst interception managers through week 15 of the 2008 nfl time of the year with five picks.Both teams are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games.3 backyards per greeting and 93. However, I like what they’re doing in Chicago overall.3 in the ap poll. The Panthers just look like one of those kitchen sink teams that needs to unload everything in order to win.3 in 40-yard dash) as well as his incomparable gut feelings and area dream but some state he is rather undersized, at 193 pounds (88 kg), for the school game. You can’t do that every weekend, and you certainly can’t feel safe backing them in our sportsbook with that kind of mentality.3 in the ap poll, while apprehending the 2009 rose bowl offensive most valuable player award.NFL FREE PICK: CHICAGO +3 (UNDER)New York Giants (1-0) vs.2009 season with the supplement of new faces to the jets protecting against, and the "organized chaos" coach rex ryan conveyed in, harris was anticipated to fare very well. St.2009 season marquice cole made 7 undertakes all through the 2009 season. Louis Rams (0-1)NFL Betting Line: NYG -8.5 undertakes for decrease, five overtake breakups, one compelled fumble, one fumble recovery and an interception.5 (41.5 undertakes for decrease, one dismiss, one compelled fumble, two fumble recoveries, one interception and six overtake breakups.5)The defending champs can move the ball any which way, and their defense is better than we expected.5 dismisses, 12 undertakes for decrease (tied for second on the team), a team-leading 30 stresses, three passes batted down and three compelled fumbles. The Giants may not need a solid defense for now if their offense can continue to wear down defenses.5 dismisses, compelled one fumble and retrieved another. “This is a huge spread though!!!” Oh really? Did you see St.5 dismisses, 15 stresses, three passes defensed, one compelled fumble and one fumble recovery. Louis last weekend? Right.5 dismisses, a overtake defensed and a fumble recovery.NFL FREE PICK: NYG -8.3 backyards per convey, as a senior.5 (OVER)Buffalo Bills (1-0) vs.5 dismisses, which ranks fifth in school history. Jacksonville Jaguars (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Jax -5.3 ypg), 25th in total protecting against (329.5 (37)My favorite game of the week once again stars the Buffalo Bills! Buffalo may be the best all-round team, when you factor that their special teams unit accounted for 22 of 34 points last weekend.according to sports illustrated′s tony pauline wilson was "graded as a edge middle around choose by nfl scouting services" former to his older time of the year, "but has since cemented himself as a peak 100 choice. Their front seven is fast enough to shut down a Jacksonville running game, and their offense is efficient enough to score if necessary.according to exceptional groups adviser mike westhoff, "the committee is still out," on tanner purdum. Don’t fall asleep on Buffalo again this year!NFL FREE PICK: BUFFALO +5.5 dismisses in four times of the year at washington state and was entitled wsu's leon bender award victor as cougars' defensive lineman of the year as older when he begun 11 sport at dt and one at de.5 (OVER)AFTERNOON TEAAtlanta Falcons (1-0) vs.92 short shuttle 10-foot-1 broad jump professional career jerricho cotchery was chosen by the new york jets in the fourth around (108th overall) of the 2004 nfl draft. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Tampa -8 (38)Michael who? The Falcons literally ran Detroit out of the building last weekend, compiling an astonishing 318 yards on the ground with a 220 yard, two touchdown performance from Michael Turner.5 dismisses, pledged only 3 punishments and made all the line calls. With Matt Ryan completing 9-of-13 for 161 yards and a score, I’d say that this team has a good shot at surprising…if their defense wasn’t so horrific.5 dismisses, six passes deflected, two fumble recoveries, one compelled fumble and one interception.The Bucs lack any big play ability, but I’d say a lot of that had to do with Galloway and Garcia’s rust.5 undertakes for decrease, 1. The defense will not be surprised by Burner and Ryan this week, and I say the rookie quarterback puts his team in serious jeopardy as he tries to throw an a pick-happy secondary in Tampa.5 undertakes for decrease, and noted a sack. The Bucs are still 10-5 ATS in their last 15 games against Atlanta.5 for a loss) and set a school record with 14.NFL FREE PICK: TAMPA -8 (OVER)San Francisco 49ers (0-1) vs.5 dismisses, three compelled fumbles, a fumble recovery and one interception which he returned for 90 backyards to tally a touchdown. Seattle Seahawks (0-1)NFL Betting Line: Seattle -7 (38)Seattle can’t throw or run, and they apparently can’t play defense either.after a slow start throughout his freshman time of the year, considering with fumble-issues for the first time in his vocation, he made a key assistance in a triumph contrary to arizona, where he ran a punt come back for 45 backyards, and subsequent ran for 59 backyards to set usc up for their last 10 points in their game. A lot is left to be desired in San Francisco,Jonathan Vilma Jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/new-orleans-saints-jerseys/saints-51-jonathan-vilma-super-bowl-xliv-jersey-black-p-7759.html), but getting points against a horrific team will suit their betting backers quite nicely.after a solid presentation all through the time of the year, conner acquired all-american respects by pro football weekly, who locations an additional premium on gifts and preliminary worth in the assortment process. The Niners get back on track by rewarding their betting faithful this weekend.after a frustrating time of the year in 2005, coles relished a rebirth in 2006, exactly due to the good wellbeing of quarterback, chad pennington.NFL FREE PICK: SAN FRANCISCO +7 (UNDER)New England Patriots (1-0) vs.additionally, revis waives any future assurances in his present contract. New York Jets (1-0)This jersey is has a lot going for it. The perfect team, the perfect number, and the perfect fit. Related Articles: http://www.xingshe.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=658804&pid=920574&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid920574 http://www.carhome4008202191.cn/viewthread.php?tid=382373&pid=476330&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid476330 http://bbs.lafamily.cn/viewthread.php?tid=220077&pid=330567&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid330567

صياد متهور
09/09/2010, 03:15 PM
nfl week two odds and linesby tim furiousthe first week of football is behind us, and now the serious nfl wagering can begin.2 or 3 receiver who can impact a game by moving the chains or getting deep on an opponent's nickelback. As is to be expected with week 1 betting, only one winning team failed to cover the nfl point spread.2 million agreement with the new york jets on march 14, 2010. Not any expected tom brady to be gone with the wind, but a huge amount of gambling degenerates also god fleeced by san diego and indianapolis.2 yards-per-reception.betus gladly brings you a preview of every, single game this week to get you set up for your nfl betting weekend! Early birdsoakland raiders (0-1) vs.2008 season mike devito glimpsed considerable more playing time seeming in all 16 sport and notes not less than one undertake in 14 games. Kansas city chiefs (0-1)nfl betting line: Kansas -3.after contemplating going into the nfl draft, departing usc or moving to a distinct school (with simpler learned requirements), washington was boosted by his parents,jahvid best jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/detroit-lions-jerseys/jahvid-best-jersey-detroit-lions-best-jersey-team-color-blue-p-9327.html), partners and university employees to stay in school and aim on academics while giving his own way through school.5 (36)we kick this week off with an absolute dud.after glimpsing restricted activity as a sophomore, he was a first-team all-district assortment as a juvenile after listing 92 undertakes, nine dismisses and a impeded additional issue attempt. The raiders looked lifeless last week, especially after they inexplicably abandoned their running game and darren mcfadden left with a shoulder injury.after missing almost three weeks, sanchez was unblocked to play in the opener contrary to virginia on the last scrimmage of drop camp. The raiders are 2-6 ats in their last 6 games and have gone 1-9 su in their last 10 games against kc.after his time in brampton, he obtained three scholarship boasts from national collegiate athletic association (ncaa) schools before acknowledging one from rutgers.this raiders, at least, lost to a good team.5 dismisses and 154 tackles. I bet that they bounce back this week.5 backyards per greeting, with a time of the year long of 60 yards. Oakland, at least, has some big play ability.40—a discount so large that it is considered shoplifting under florida law. I can’t say the same about kc, especially after dwayne bowe practically lost the game for the chiefs by dropping a pass in the endzone.5 backyards on 43 punts, shattering the school record held by dike eddleman since 1948 (43.nfl free pick: Oak +3.after 2001 and 2002 crusades which glimpsed his general figures fall,kevin williams vikings jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/minnesota-vikings-jerseys/kevin-williams-jersey-19612010-50th-patch-minnesota-vikings-93-kevin-williams-jersey-purple-p-9957.html), ellis rebounded in 2003 with an outstanding 12.5 (under)tennessee titans (1-0) vs.2004 chauncey washington was directed academically ineligible for the 2004 time of the year and was redshirted. Cincinnati bengals (0-1)nfl betting line: Cincinnati -1 (37.2010 nfl draft considered one of the best fullbacks available in the 2010 nfl draft, john conner was selected in the fifth round (139th overall) by the new york jets.5)the titans will be without the services of quarterback vince young for nearly a month.a labouring pennington was dragged by head adviser eric mangini in the middle of the fourth quarter and restored by clemens. Should that worry you? Absolutely not! The titans are a running team with a sick defense that will put away the sputtering bengals with ease.a four-time pro bowl assortment, tony richardson has furthermore performed for the minnesota vikings and kansas city chiefs. The titans are 11-5 ats in their last 16 games, and chris johnson looks like a rookie of the year candidate.a defensive undertake his first two times of the year, dan gay swapped to attack guard in 2006 and went on to start the next three years alternating between every attack line place with the exclusion of center.nfl free pick: Ten +1 (under)indianapolis colts (0-1) vs.2008 on march 3, 2008, pace and the new york jets came to periods on a six-year, $42 million deal that encompasses $22 million in assured money. Minnesota vikings (0-1)nfl gambling line: Indianapolis -2.95 three-cone drill 3.5 (43.94 short shuttle 10-foot-11 broad jump matthew mulligan matthew ben mulligan (born january 18,donte stallworth jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/cleveland-browns-jerseys/cleveland-browns-18-donte-stallworth-jersey-brown-p-7411.html), 1985 in bangor, maine) is an american football taut end for the new york jets of the national football league.5)last week the colts were victimized by a team that was efficient on the ground, and vultures on defense.a couple of roster moves. Minnesota looks like an even better version of chicago on paper, but the colts passing game is too much for minnesota.a 2008 honorable-mention all-big 12 coaches’ choice at nebraska, he recorded 88 tackles, three sacks and 17 tackles-for-loss in his collegiate career. Peyton manning on company looked a little out of sync last weekend, but in a dome i like peyton’s chances of decimating a team that has gone 4-9 ats in their last 13 games at home.a 10-game starter at right guard in 2006, dan gay mainly performed right undertake as a juvenile, but furthermore begun one game at left guard and five at left undertake due to an wound to peak 10 outlook jason smith.nfl free pick: Indianpolis -2.53 40 yard dash 41 inch vertical 26 bench reps 6.5 (over)new orleans saints (1-0) vs.0 backyards per punt). Washington redskins (0-1)nfl betting line: Pk (42)washington is again one of the most overrated teams in the league, while the saints look like they’re piecing things together.2010 season with the exodus of defensive end marques douglas, it appears probable mike devito will be in the blend for the beginning job. Making this game a pick ‘em makes it a safe bet on the saints to win outright, in spite of losing marques colston for 4-6 weeks.2010 season revis liked to renegotiate his agreement with the group as both edges had acquiesced he outperformed his at the time present (rookie) agreement next his stunning 2009 season.nfl free pick: No (under)green bay packers (1-0) vs.after expending time with the perform squad and with the scottish claymores,joe thomas jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/cleveland-browns-jerseys/cleveland-browns-73-joe-thomas-jersey-in-white-p-7415.html), brandon moore first glimpsed activity in 2003,chad ochocinco jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/cincinnati-bengals-jerseys/cincinnati-bengals-85-ocho-cinco-jersey-in-black-p-7392.html), seeming in three sport and beginning one. Detroit lions (0-1)nfl betting line: Green bay -3 (44.after a year of observing, discovering and getting more powerful, dustin started to get many of time on the area and brandish his power and athleticism.5)some things never change.4 backyards per punt and held a 4. The packers still look like kings in the nfc north, while the detroit lions look like…well…the detroit lions.4 backyards per convey, and 21 touchdowns. The only question mark on green bay was aaron rodgers, and i’m pretty sure you’re a believer now.4 backyards per punt on 57 endeavours, shattering the record he set the preceding season. The oddsmakers won’t be fully convinced for weeks on rodgers, so cash in as the packers become spread monsters again this year!nfl free pick: Green bay -3 (over)chicago bears (1-0) vs. Bo bo smith what they're saying: Showing a lot of natural skill and giving effort on the field,bo smith is an aggressive cornerback with good upside. Carolina panthers (1-0)nfl betting line: Carolina -3 (37)the battle of the upstarts takes us down south,jason pierre-paul jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/new-york-giants-jerseys/jason-pierrepaul-jersey-new-york-giants-pierrepaul-jersey-team-color-blue-p-9336.html), where the panthers look to squeak out one more victory until steve smith returns.57 seconds 20 backyard short shuttle = 4. Chicago returned to an old formula last weekend, beating indy with an unexpectedly strong rushing attack, and a stifling defense that is once again healthy.59 40 backyard dash 33 inch vertical jump 23 bench press repetitions 7.both teams are 4-1 ats in their last 5 games.2007 mark brunell underwent surgery on january 8, 2007, to fix a impaired labrum in his throwing shoulder, but returned in time for teaching camp. However, i like what they’re doing in chicago overall.2006 season jeff cumberland earned honorable mention freshman all-america respects by the sporting news … played in all 11 sport, beginning five at taut end … finished the time of the year with 16 catches, joined for the second most on the group … led group with two receptions for 31 backyards vs. The panthers just look like one of those kitchen sink teams that needs to unload everything in order to win.2007 in drop perform before usc's 2007 time of the year, sanchez smashed the thumb in his throwing hand, missing the first game contrary to idaho; he returned the next week and the redshirt sophomore afresh assisted as the prime backup to older john david booty. You can’t do that every weekend, and you certainly can’t feel safe backing them in our sportsbook with that kind of mentality.2007 david clowney was marked by the new york jets on october 3, 2007.nfl free pick: Chicago +3 (under)new york giants (1-0) vs.0 dismisses, three broken-up passes, and three compelled fumbles. St.0 dismisses, two compelled fumbles, and one fumble recovery. Louis rams (0-1)nfl betting line: Nyg -8.15 seconds vertical jump = 32.5 (41.16 backyards per rec.5)the defending champs can move the ball any which way, and their defense is better than we expected.12, following the jets' bye on oct. The giants may not need a solid defense for now if their offense can continue to wear down defenses.1 backyards per game (second best in conference usa) and had five 100-yard obtaining sport, which was the most in a lone time of the year at ecu. “this is a huge spread though!!!” oh really? Did you see st.1 choose on attack undertake d'brickashaw ferguson in an effort to rebuild their attack line. Louis last weekend? Right.1 rtg), eighth in the homeland in tallying protecting against (16.nfl free pick: Nyg -8.3 ppg) and 16th nationally in total protecting against (307.5 (over)buffalo bills (1-0) vs.0 undertakes for decrease, 6. Jacksonville jaguars (0-1)nfl betting line: Jax -5.54 40 yard dash 36 inch vertical 6.5 (37)my favorite game of the week once again stars the buffalo bills! Buffalo may be the best all-round team, when you factor that their special teams unit accounted for 22 of 34 points last weekend.) with 2 tds in 2002 regardless of missing 5 sport with a knee injury. Their front seven is fast enough to shut down a jacksonville running game, and their offense is efficient enough to score if necessary.) with 23 tds while catching 13 passes for 200 backyards (15. Don’t fall asleep on buffalo again this year!nfl free pick: Buffalo +5.martin tevaseu height:6-2 weight:325 age:22 college:nevada-las vegas experience:r team:new york jets martin tevaseu (dt/6-1/310/nevada-las vegas/boonville, ca) was before marked as an undrafted free agency by the cleveland browns on may 17, 2010, and was issued on june 15.5 (over)afternoon teaatlanta falcons (1-0) vs.3 of their preseason cornerback power ranking. Tampa bay buccaneers (0-1)nfl betting line: Tampa -8 (38)michael who? The falcons literally ran detroit out of the building last weekend, compiling an astonishing 318 yards on the ground with a 220 yard, two touchdown performance from michael turner.aaron kia height:6-5 weight:290 age:24 college:hawaii hometown:mililani, hi experience:r team:new york jets references bassett (may 3, 2010). With matt ryan completing 9-of-13 for 161 yards and a score, i’d say that this team has a good shot at surprising…if their defense wasn’t so horrific.a wholesome pennington produced in little playing time for clemens in 2006.the bucs lack any big play ability, but i’d say a lot of that had to do with galloway and garcia’s rust.2 grading in the coaches poll and no. The defense will not be surprised by burner and ryan this week, and i say the rookie quarterback puts his team in serious jeopardy as he tries to throw an a pick-happy secondary in tampa.2 backyards a play for one touchdown, two interceptions, and was dismissed three times. The bucs are still 10-5 ats in their last 15 games against atlanta.19, 2006 by david carr of the houston texans).nfl free pick: Tampa -8 (over)san francisco 49ers (0-1) vs.2007 nfl draft darrelle revis broadcast he would decline his older year at pittsburgh to go in the 2007 nfl draft; he was advised one of the peak 3 cornerbacks available—along with leon hall of michigan and aaron ross of texas—,and was one of the 30 to be drafted. Seattle seahawks (0-1)nfl betting line: Seattle -7 (38)seattle can’t throw or run, and they apparently can’t play defense either.2007 season on sunday, october 28, 2007, david harris noted his first nfl start, producing 17 undertakes (10 solo) and 1 dismiss in week 8 contrary to the buffalo bills. A lot is left to be desired in san francisco, but getting points against a horrific team will suit their betting backers quite nicely.2008 in the 2008 preseason game clowney directed all receivers with four receptions for 163 backyards and two touchdowns. The niners get back on track by rewarding their betting faithful this weekend.2008 mark sanchez went into jump perform after the 2008 time of the year as the front-runner to conquer the beginning quarterback place, but faced powerful affray from arkansas-transfer and previous razorback starter mitch mustain and redshirt freshman aaron corp; mustain, like sanchez a year previous, was the peak quarterback in the territory approaching out of high school in 2006.nfl free pick: San francisco +7 (under)new england patriots (1-0) vs.5 dismisses, 10 stresses, one compelled fumble and a impeded boot in eight association contests. New york jets (1-0)nfl betting line: Nyj -1.2 in the coaches poll and no.5 (37)though i believe that matt cassell is better than anyone expects, i also feel the jets are as good as everyone estimates them to be.0 1,609 7 4 professional career nfl draft following his older time of the year, mark mark brunell was chosen by the green bay packers in the 5th around of the 1993 nfl draft. Brett favre will lead an amped jets team to give the patriots their first regular season loss in over a year.”warren aggravated an ankle junction wound soon before the nfl combine,tony gonzalez jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/atlanta-falcons-jerseys/atlanta-falcons-88-tony-gonzalez-jersey-in-white-p-7266.html), where he laboured in place drills and ran the 40-yard dash in 4. This will begin to even a 10-1 su record that the pats hold over their hated, rival jets.0 1,895 16 9 1992 127 219 58.nfl free pick: Nyj -1.accomplishments and honors first contestant in partition 1-a annals to overtake for 8,000 backyards and run for 4,000 backyards in career first contestant in partition 1-a annals to overtake for 2,000 backyards and run for 1,000 backyards in a time of the year two times in a career second contestant in partition 1-a annals to hurry for 1,000 backyards and overtake for 2,000 backyards in a season fourth contestant in partition 1-a annals to tally 200 points and overtake for 200 points in a career sixth contestant in partition 1-a annals to overtake for 200 backyards and hurry for 200 backyards in a lone game (vs.5 (over)baltimore ravens (1-0) vs.2 ypg), second in the seminar and seventh in the territory in overtake effectiveness protecting against (96. Houston texans (1-0)nfl betting line: Houston -4.(* comprises nfl combine) carolina panthers kris jenkins completed the 2002 time of the year with 60 undertakes and 7 dismisses, en path to an alternate look on the nfc's pro bowl group, where he restored an hurt warren sapp.5 (37. He subsequent tweeted it was time to wake n bake,rashard mendenhall jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/pittsburgh-steelers-jerseys/pittsburgh-steelers-34-rashard-mendenhall-throwback-jersey-ylw-p-7920.html)," a quotation to marijuana.5)baltimore had fun beating up the bengals last weekend, but are still 4-14 ats in their last 18 games.29 attack guard outlook in the nation. Without a fully healthy willis mcgahee, and a rookie quarterback on the road, i say houston wins this game outright.3 backyard average) and 23 punts for 182 backyards (7.they ran in to a juggernaut last weekend in pittsburgh.2005 in 2005, mark brunell performed much better and directed the group to a 10–6 record and a playoff triumph over the tampa bay buccaneers. They return to form and continue their 4-1 ats record at home.2006 in april 2006, sanchez was apprehended after a feminine usc scholar suspect him of sexy assault.nfl free pick: Houston -4.59 40 backyard dash at the nfl combine.5 (under)miami dolphins (0-1) vs.” at the 2008 nfl combine, o'connell ran the 40-yard dash in 4. Arizona cardinals (1-0)nfl betting line: Arizona -6.5 dismisses and 2 interceptions, and made second group all-pro.5 (39)the dolphins were largely able to pick apart the jets last weekend because chad pennington knew that defense inside and out.5 dismisses and two interceptions. He doesn’t have the same advantage against the cardinals, who have massive big play potential and a savvy coaching staff that makes this an easy pick.5 dismisses and one interception.nfl free pick: Arizona -6.' he has abounding of arm.5 (under)san diego chargers (1-0).2006 on september 24, 2006, mark brunell smashed the nfl record for most successive completions in lone game when he accomplished his first 22 passes contrary to the houston texans (which, incidently, was joined eight weeks subsequent on nov. Denver broncos (1-0)nfl betting line: An diego -1.aaron wilson (may 3, 2010).5 (45.aaron wilson (july 20, 2010).5)betting against the broncos at home, with a returning brandon marshall is simply dumb.2009 season in early september mike devito marked a 3-year agreement elongation to stay with the new york jets through 2012. The chargers are a great team, i have no doubt about that.2009 season clowney apprehended 14 passes for 191 yards in new york jets. But the broncos have a nasty habit of fooling people (like me) especially when they play at home.2009 nfl season sione went into the 2009 time of the year a back up defensive tackle. Don’t bet against the broncos unless they’re on the road for now.2009 season kenwin cummings was marked to the hardworking roster throughout the 2009 time of the year but did not take part in any games.the chargers can move the chains, score at will, but they have a lot to prove after losing in the opener against an abysmal squad like carolina.29 20 backyard shuttle 8-foot-11 broad jump professional career 2007 nfl draft david harris was projected to proceed any location from the late-second around to the fourth around former to the 2007 nfl draft.nfl free pick: Denver +1.5 dismisses and one fumble.5 (over)under the lightspittsburgh steelers (1-0) vs.5 dismisses in 13 sport, shattering the previous record of 13 dismisses in a lone time of the year set in 1995 by mike vrabel. Cleveland browns (0-1)nfl betting line: Pittsburgh -6 (44.2007 season jeff cumberland moved from taut end to receiver midway through the time of the year of new york jets… caught three passes for 37 backyards contrary to usc in the rose bowl … had a vocation game contrary to northwestern, catching four passes for 131 backyards and a touchdown – the first 100-yard obtaining game by an illini since 2005 – and hurried one time for 18 backyards … exploded at minnesota with a vocation high-tying four catches for 53 backyards and a touchdown, as well as a 24-yard run … caught his first overtake of 2007 at syracuse,aaron rodgers jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/green-bay-packers-jerseys/green-bay-packers-12-aaron-rodgers-jersey-green-p-7529.html), a 22-yard touchdown on illinois’ first propel of the game.5)the browns fell back to earth the hardest way possible – by getting trounced by the dallas cowboys., has been chosen to five pro bowls and has been an all-pro six times. The steelers are virtually the same team, posing a serious ground assault complimented by a consistent and dangerous aerial attack., the family dwelled in daleville,dan williams jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/arizona-cardinals-jerseys/dan-williams-jersey-arizona-cardinals-williams-jersey-team-color-red-p-9319.html), alabama, where tony excelled as a three-sport letterman in football, basketball, and pathway & field. Bet on pittsburgh’s defense to shut down a squandering cleveland offense as the browns get off to a bad start and let their betting faithful down., where he teamed with erron kinney and assisted the patrick henry patriots to the 1994 state football championship.nfl free pick: Pittsburgh -6 (over)philadelphia eagles (1-0) vs.25 million, including a signing bonus just over $1 million. Dallas cowboys (1-0)nfl wagering line: Dallas -7 (47)don’t be fooled, eagles bettors.37 seconds 10 backyard dash = 1. Philadelphia can throw with donavan mcnabb playing at his absolute best, but we all know mcnabb can’t keep up that pace.38 worth of apparel and were ascribed only $21. The cowboys will be out to silence any critics that believe that philadelphia has a legitimate shot at their crown.33 40-yard dash in jump testing.the cowboys are the best team in football, now that brady is gone and the chargers have lost merrimen.a pro bowl assortment in 2002, damien woody won two super bowl rings with the patriots. Don’t get suckered in to thinking their big play secondary will fall flat against mcnabb this weekend.a pro bowl assortment in 2003, laveranues coles has furthermore performed for the washington redskins and cincinnati bengals. It ain’t happening.a three-time all-pro and four-time pro bowl assortment, kris jenkins performed seven times of the year for the panthers before being swapped to the jets in 2008.nfl free pick: Dallas -7 (over)tim furious is a regular contributor to the betus locker room, and is a vip account manager.26 second hangtime average. He can be reached by dialing 1-888-51-betus (23887) and asking for tim at extension 2305.275 million contract.123nfl free pick: Green bay -3 (over)chicago bears (1-0) vs.5) and quarterback stresses (15). Carolina panthers (1-0)nfl betting line: Carolina -3 (37)the battle of the upstarts takes us down south, where the panthers look to squeak out one more victory until steve smith returns.2008 season in late february, the jets swapped mlb jonathan vilma to the new orleans saints, and david harris was entitled the starter at inside linebacker for the 2008 season. Chicago returned to an old formula last weekend, beating indy with an unexpectedly strong rushing attack, and a stifling defense that is once again healthy.2008 season as the beginning cornerback for the jets in his second time of the year,darrelle revis established himself as an all-pro cornerback after being joined for second amidst interception managers through week 15 of the 2008 nfl time of the year with five picks.both teams are 4-1 ats in their last 5 games.3 backyards per greeting and 93. However, i like what they’re doing in chicago overall.3 in the ap poll. The panthers just look like one of those kitchen sink teams that needs to unload everything in order to win.3 in 40-yard dash) as well as his incomparable gut feelings and area dream but some state he is rather undersized, at 193 pounds (88 kg), for the school game. You can’t do that every weekend, and you certainly can’t feel safe backing them in our sportsbook with that kind of mentality.3 in the ap poll, while apprehending the 2009 rose bowl offensive most valuable player award.nfl free pick: Chicago +3 (under)new york giants (1-0) vs.2009 season with the supplement of new faces to the jets protecting against, and the "organized chaos" coach rex ryan conveyed in, harris was anticipated to fare very well. St.2009 season marquice cole made 7 undertakes all through the 2009 season. Louis rams (0-1)nfl betting line: Nyg -8.5 undertakes for decrease, five overtake breakups, one compelled fumble, one fumble recovery and an interception.5 (41.5 undertakes for decrease, one dismiss, one compelled fumble, two fumble recoveries, one interception and six overtake breakups.5)the defending champs can move the ball any which way, and their defense is better than we expected.5 dismisses, 12 undertakes for decrease (tied for second on the team), a team-leading 30 stresses, three passes batted down and three compelled fumbles. The giants may not need a solid defense for now if their offense can continue to wear down defenses.5 dismisses, compelled one fumble and retrieved another. “this is a huge spread though!!!” oh really? Did you see st.5 dismisses, 15 stresses, three passes defensed, one compelled fumble and one fumble recovery. Louis last weekend? Right.5 dismisses, a overtake defensed and a fumble recovery.nfl free pick: Nyg -8.3 backyards per convey, as a senior.5 (over)buffalo bills (1-0) vs.5 dismisses, which ranks fifth in school history. Jacksonville jaguars (0-1)nfl betting line: Jax -5.3 ypg), 25th in total protecting against (329.5 (37)my favorite game of the week once again stars the buffalo bills! Buffalo may be the best all-round team, when you factor that their special teams unit accounted for 22 of 34 points last weekend.according to sports illustrated′s tony pauline wilson was "graded as a edge middle around choose by nfl scouting services" former to his older time of the year, "but has since cemented himself as a peak 100 choice. Their front seven is fast enough to shut down a jacksonville running game, and their offense is efficient enough to score if necessary.according to exceptional groups adviser mike westhoff, "the committee is still out," on tanner purdum. Don’t fall asleep on buffalo again this year!nfl free pick: Buffalo +5.5 dismisses in four times of the year at washington state and was entitled wsu's leon bender award victor as cougars' defensive lineman of the year as older when he begun 11 sport at dt and one at de.5 (over)afternoon teaatlanta falcons (1-0) vs.92 short shuttle 10-foot-1 broad jump professional career jerricho cotchery was chosen by the new york jets in the fourth around (108th overall) of the 2004 nfl draft. Tampa bay buccaneers (0-1)nfl betting line: Tampa -8 (38)michael who? The falcons literally ran detroit out of the building last weekend, compiling an astonishing 318 yards on the ground with a 220 yard, two touchdown performance from michael turner.5 dismisses, pledged only 3 punishments and made all the line calls. With matt ryan completing 9-of-13 for 161 yards and a score, i’d say that this team has a good shot at surprising…if their defense wasn’t so horrific.5 dismisses, six passes deflected, two fumble recoveries, one compelled fumble and one interception.the bucs lack any big play ability, but i’d say a lot of that had to do with galloway and garcia’s rust.5 undertakes for decrease, 1. The defense will not be surprised by burner and ryan this week, and i say the rookie quarterback puts his team in serious jeopardy as he tries to throw an a pick-happy secondary in tampa.5 undertakes for decrease, and noted a sack. The bucs are still 10-5 ats in their last 15 games against atlanta.5 for a loss) and set a school record with 14.nfl free pick: Tampa -8 (over)san francisco 49ers (0-1) vs.5 dismisses, three compelled fumbles, a fumble recovery and one interception which he returned for 90 backyards to tally a touchdown. Seattle seahawks (0-1)nfl betting line: Seattle -7 (38)seattle can’t throw or run, and they apparently can’t play defense either.after a slow start throughout his freshman time of the year, considering with fumble-issues for the first time in his vocation, he made a key assistance in a triumph contrary to arizona, where he ran a punt come back for 45 backyards, and subsequent ran for 59 backyards to set usc up for their last 10 points in their game. A lot is left to be desired in san francisco,jonathan vilma jersey (http://www.googlejersey.com/nfl-jerseys/new-orleans-saints-jerseys/saints-51-jonathan-vilma-super-bowl-xliv-jersey-black-p-7759.html), but getting points against a horrific team will suit their betting backers quite nicely.after a solid presentation all through the time of the year, conner acquired all-american respects by pro football weekly, who locations an additional premium on gifts and preliminary worth in the assortment process. The niners get back on track by rewarding their betting faithful this weekend.after a frustrating time of the year in 2005, coles relished a rebirth in 2006, exactly due to the good wellbeing of quarterback, chad pennington.nfl free pick: San francisco +7 (under)new england patriots (1-0) vs.additionally, revis waives any future assurances in his present contract. New york jets (1-0)this jersey is has a lot going for it. The perfect team, the perfect number, and the perfect fit. Related articles: http://www.xingshe.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=658804&pid=920574&page=1&extra=page%3d1#pid920574 http://www.carhome4008202191.cn/viewthread.php?tid=382373&pid=476330&page=1&extra=page%3d1#pid476330 http://bbs.lafamily.cn/viewthread.php?tid=220077&pid=330567&page=1&extra=page%3d1#pid330567
ماشاء الله منور مع اني مافهمت

10/09/2010, 01:11 AM
كل عام وانت بخير اخي وعيد مبارك وخوش هدية

صياد متهور
10/09/2010, 04:13 AM
كل عام وانت بخير اخي وعيد مبارك وخوش هدية

وانت بألف خير وصحة وسلامة ومن العايدين منور

10/09/2010, 08:06 AM
عيدية خاصة كل عام وانت بخير صياد متهور الدمام شارك بوداحم اتمنا لكم دوام الصحة والعافية :s واتمنا شوفتكم قريب ان شاء الله :D

صياد متهور
10/09/2010, 02:04 PM
عيدية خاصة كل عام وانت بخير صياد متهور الدمام شارك بوداحم اتمنا لكم دوام الصحة والعافية :s واتمنا شوفتكم قريب ان شاء الله :d
انت بخير وصحة وسلامة ان شاء الله قريب منور

خيط درية
10/09/2010, 05:43 PM
كل عام وانتم بخير
وعساكم من عواده

صياد متهور
11/09/2010, 02:19 AM
كل عام وانتم بخير
وعساكم من عواده
وانت بخير وصحة وسلامة منور الموضوع

big game
19/09/2010, 09:32 PM
ما شاء الله صيد طيب مبارك عليكم الله يرزكم ويرزقنا الاخلاص في القول والعمل تحية طيبة لصاحب الموضوع

28/08/2011, 03:06 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
الله يعطيك ويعطيهم العافيه وبالعافيه
صيد طيب ويطرب وصحبه اطيب
وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله

محمد حمدان
03/09/2011, 04:37 AM
الله يعطيكم العافيه

03/09/2011, 10:24 AM
ما شاء الله عليكم شباب

الله يجعل فية العافية

بس سؤال بسيط ؟ :p

هل معظم الصيد كان بالاخطبوط؟؟؟؟ ;)

انا ما جربتة ابدا صراحة :eek:

اناعلى طول بصيد بالسمك ولازم يكون فرش للاحجام الكبيرة بس :D

موفق حبيبى

تقبل مرورى :good2:

معاند البحر
03/09/2011, 11:21 AM
ماشاء الله

صياد متهور
03/09/2011, 12:07 PM
ما شاء الله صيد طيب مبارك عليكم الله يرزكم ويرزقنا الاخلاص في القول والعمل تحية طيبة لصاحب الموضوع

حياك الله منور

صياد متهور
03/09/2011, 12:08 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
الله يعطيك ويعطيهم العافيه وبالعافيه
صيد طيب ويطرب وصحبه اطيب
وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله

الله يعافيك ويخليك
اطربنا مرورك علينا
حياك الله منور

صياد متهور
03/09/2011, 12:08 PM
الله يعطيكم العافيه

الله يعافيك ويخليك يارب

صياد متهور
03/09/2011, 12:10 PM
ما شاء الله عليكم شباب

الله يجعل فية العافية

بس سؤال بسيط ؟ :p

هل معظم الصيد كان بالاخطبوط؟؟؟؟ ;)

انا ما جربتة ابدا صراحة :eek:

اناعلى طول بصيد بالسمك ولازم يكون فرش للاحجام الكبيرة بس :D

موفق حبيبى

تقبل مرورى :good2:

الله يعافيك ويخليك يارب
الاخطبوط ممتاز
السبيطي الاول بالاخطبوط بعدين فيه كم شعرية بالاخطبوط
انته جربه ترااه ممتاز
حياك الله منور

صياد متهور
03/09/2011, 12:11 PM
ماشاء الله

حياك الله ممنور

03/09/2011, 01:30 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
خوش ارشيف

أبو فيء
03/09/2011, 01:39 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

ما شاء الله تبارك الله
صيد مشكل ومنوع ، وعليه القيمة ...

دمتم بود

صياد متهور
03/09/2011, 11:45 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
خوش ارشيف

حياك الله
سلمت ومنور على المرور

صياد متهور
03/09/2011, 11:47 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

ما شاء الله تبارك الله
صيد مشكل ومنوع ، وعليه القيمة ...

دمتم بود

حياك الله ابو فيء
اسعدني مرورك

04/09/2011, 01:24 AM
ما شاء الله تبارك الله ابداع اخوي صياد متهور . الله يديم عليكم النعم و يزيدكم من فضله

صياد متهور
04/09/2011, 11:46 AM
ما شاء الله تبارك الله ابداع اخوي صياد متهور . الله يديم عليكم النعم و يزيدكم من فضله

الله يخليك يارب
الله يزيدك ويزيد الجميع يارب
حياك الله منور

فارس 07
08/07/2012, 05:16 AM
امانة قول لي وش طعمة

08/07/2012, 08:53 AM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
صييييد ثقيييل بااارك الله فيكم
وبالعااافية واهم شي الهريريتين

Seas Diver
08/07/2012, 01:20 PM
ماشاء الله وصيد طيب

08/07/2012, 07:02 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
صيد رائع وموفق وش خليتو احجام راهية تسلم على التقرير المتميز

تحياتي لك

09/07/2012, 04:59 AM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
عليكم بالعافية وصيد موفق بالصلاة على النبي ونساءله ان يرزقنا وياكم والمسلمين الخير من عنده
وكللللللللللللللللللل عاااااااااااااااااام وأنتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتم بخيييييييييييييييييييير
وأخواني المكشاتيييييييييييييييييية جميعا بأقتراب شهر رمضان المبارك اعاده الله علينا وعليكم والمسلمين وأنتم بالف صحة وعافيه ان شاء الله

shark killar
09/07/2012, 06:09 AM
ما شاء الله تبارك الله عليكم بالعافية

صياد متهور
02/10/2012, 12:49 AM
امانة قول لي وش طعمة

ماشاء الله تبارك الله
صييييد ثقيييل بااارك الله فيكم
وبالعااافية واهم شي الهريريتين

ماشاء الله وصيد طيب

ماشاء الل
ه تبارك الله
صيد رائع وموفق وش خليتو احجام راهية تسلم على التقرير المتميز

تحياتي لك

ما شاء الله تبارك الله عليكم بالعافية

ياهلاا فيك اخواني منورين والعذر والسموحة لي فترة مادخلت المنتدى
نورتو وسرني مروركم

سكن حبك سكن
02/10/2012, 02:26 AM
ماشاءلله على الاحجام, الله يبارك لكم فيما صدتم.

02/10/2012, 09:59 AM
كل عام والمكشاتيين كلهم بخير
ماشاء الله صور روعه وحصيلة صيد طيبة جدا
والسبيطيات ولا احلى عليكم بالعافية انشالله

صياد متهور
17/10/2012, 12:25 PM
ماشاءلله على الاحجام, الله يبارك لكم فيما صدتم.

كل عام والمكشاتيين كلهم بخير
ماشاء الله صور روعه وحصيلة صيد طيبة جدا
والسبيطيات ولا احلى عليكم بالعافية انشالله

يعطيكم ربي الف عافية على المرور

غزال البوادى
17/10/2012, 05:06 PM
كتير روعة وتصوير احترافى عليكم بالف عافية مشكور جدا اخى على اضافتك لمنتدانا الجميل

حداق الشرقيه
18/10/2012, 02:19 AM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله صيد العافيه والله يزيدكم من نعيمه

حبيت اسأل اخوي اي جهه في الشرقيه صيدكم هذا في كورنيش الدمام والا وين ؟

واذا في الكورنيش اي منطقه بالضبط ووش نوع السنارات الي صدتوا فيها تراني عليمي واحب استفيد منكم :D
اللهم لاحسد

صياد متهور
09/11/2012, 07:19 PM
كتير روعة وتصوير احترافى عليكم بالف عافية مشكور جدا اخى على اضافتك لمنتدانا الجميل

روعة مرورك علينا تسلم لي على الرد منور

ماشاء الله تبارك الله صيد العافيه والله يزيدكم من نعيمه

حبيت اسأل اخوي اي جهه في الشرقيه صيدكم هذا في كورنيش الدمام والا وين ؟

واذا في الكورنيش اي منطقه بالضبط ووش نوع السنارات الي صدتوا فيها تراني عليمي واحب استفيد منكم :D
اللهم لاحسد

يعافيك ربي ويسلمك من كل مكروه عند الفن تايم لين مطعم الكرنيش كولو حلو والصر اكثرها هناك