المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : فــرخ جير للبيــــــــــــــــع

26/03/2007, 05:16 PM
السلام عليكم ..

اخواني الاعزاء عندي فرخ جير مقاس 16 ونص معلم على الحبارى اعلومةٍ زينه..

واطياره مايبغى كلاااااام ..

وخلطتة تهجينه : 8/7

امه جير بيور وابوه 4/3 جير *حر
وهو نفس الجير اللي ضيعت قبل ايام والله اعقله امس..

هذه الصور:




نسمع سوماتكم

اخوكم - المري

26/03/2007, 06:18 PM
وين شايف هالطير !!!وين شايف هالطير!!!

26/03/2007, 06:30 PM
سنافي الرجال عارضلك الطير وانت تقول وين شاااايفه

يعني المري سااارقه؟؟؟؟؟؟

بتسوووم سووم ما تبغاااه قله الله يبارك للبايع والمشتري والكلام الي ماله داعي ماله داعي



الله يبارك للبايع والمشتري


26/03/2007, 06:41 PM
مرحبا اخوي سنافي

بخصوص وين شايف هالطير , والله مااعلم وين انت شايفه !!!!!


اخوي السرحال حياك الله يالغالي..

والطيب مايجي منه كل خير..


وعسى فالكم التوفيق..

اخوكم - المري

راعي الجير
26/03/2007, 07:06 PM
ماشاء الله عليك يابو معيض الحي يحيك شعله المنتدى بيع وشرا ومواضيع دسمه الله يوفقك ويرزقك

26/03/2007, 07:25 PM
حياك الله اخوي راعي الجير

وعسى الله يوفقنا لما يحب ويرضى..

اخوك - المري

26/03/2007, 07:35 PM

اظاهر موناوي تقيض شئ من الطيور

كم حدك فالطير انا خايف اسوم واكسر الطير
انا ما اعرف سعر الطيور هاذي

لكن بننتضر الربع يسومون

والله يوفق راعيه

راعي الجير
26/03/2007, 07:45 PM
ابومعيض بغيت انشدك عن مزرعة الطير اذا عندك خبر

26/03/2007, 11:12 PM
حدي فية 5000الاف ريال لاني مفلس من مقيض طيوري

26/03/2007, 11:14 PM
حدي فية 5000الاف ريال لاني مفلس من مقيض طيوري لو كان عندي دراهم كان شريتة با لعشرة

نأسف على ارد الاولhttp://www.mekshat.com/vb/images/icons/icon4.gif

محمد الفهيد
27/03/2007, 12:13 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
افتح باب السوم اذا الجير مافيه صيحه وركاده
اسومه بـ 1500
اذا عزمت انشالله راسلني على الخاص

أخو ريان
27/03/2007, 12:20 AM
ماشالله حر شايل حر

الله يرزقك ان شالله

27/03/2007, 06:07 AM
تسلمون جميعا وسومات طيبه من وجيه اطيب..


اخوكم - المري

27/03/2007, 06:11 AM
اخوي راعي الجير

بخصوص المزرعة اطيورها كلها طيب جدا جدا وهي نفس المزرعة اللي منها جيري البكر,,,

وهي مزرعة شخص يدعى نيك فوكس Nick Fox

وسبحان الله اطيورها كلها اطيارها غريبة جدا وترى ماحبيت اذكر هذه المعلومات الا لما نشدني اخوي راعي الجير

خايف تقولون يرفع سلعته المري.. بس الحمد لله كلكم تعرفون المري صريحة جدا واللي على قلبه يعبر به لسانه..

اخوكم - المري

بن رهوان
27/03/2007, 08:16 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة اللة /
اللة يبارك للبائع والمشترى ودعماً لكلام الأخ /المرى أحببت وضع رابط للمزرعة مع السيرة الذاتية للدكتور نيك فاكس


Dr Nick Fox : Bibliography
Cobb, J. L. S., N. C. Fox and R. M. Santer. 1973 A specific ringer solution for the plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) J. Fish Biol. 5: 587-591.
Fox, N. C. 1975. Falcon killing Cattle Egret. Notornis 22: 183.

Fox, N. C. 1976. Inexperienced hunting behaviour by an Australasian Harrier. Notornis 23:180.

Fox, N. C. 1976. Rangle. Raptor Research 10(2): 61-64.

Fox, N. C. 1977. Some morphological data on the Australasian Harrier (Circus approximans gouldi) in New Zealand. Notornis 24: 9-19.

Fox, N. C. 1977. One-winged Australasian Harrier. Notornis 24: 74

Fox, N. C. 1977. Guano deposits in New Zealand hill cavities. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 4(1): 97-98.

Fox, N. C. 1977. A falcon stops screaming. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club 24-25.

Fox, N. C. Diet values and the food consumption of New Zealand Falcons. Raptor Research 11(3): 59-62.

Fox, N.C. 1977. N.Z. falcons taking poultry. Notornis 24: 140.

Fox, N.C. 1977. The biology of the New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae Gmelin 1788). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. 420 pp.

Fox, N. C. 1977. The shape of the nesting territory of the New Zealand Falcon. Raptor Research 11 (4): 100-103.

Fox, N.C. 1978. The distribution and numbers of New Zealand falcons. Notornis 25: 317-331.

Fox, N.C. 1978. Talon-grappling by New Zealand falcons and Australasian harriers. Notornis 25: 1-2.

Fox, N. C and J. W. Lock. 1978. Organochlorine residues in New Zealand birds of prey. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 1: 118-125.

Fox, N. C. 1978. Progress and techniques in the captive breeding of the New Zealand Falcon. New Zealand Journal of Ecology

Fox, N.C. 1978. Territorial spacing of the New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae). Notornis 25: 203-212.

Fox, N.C. 1979. Abstract: Biology of the New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae Gmelin 1788). Raptor Research 13: 25-26.

Fox, N. C. 1979. Nest robbing and food storing by New Zealand Falcons (Falco novaeseelandiae). Raptor Research 13(2): 51-56.

Fox, N. C. 1979. The nesting of the New Zealand Falcon(Falco novaeseelandiae) in an aviary and at hack. Hawk Trust Annual Report 1979.

Fox, N. C. 1980. Condition in birds of prey: the vital factor. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club VII(4): 263-270.

Fox, N. C. 1980. The lure and its uses. Journal of the California Hawking Club.

Fox, N. C. 1980. Goshawks versus Red Grouse. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club 7: 280-281

Fox, N. C. 1981. Editorial. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club VII (5): 288-289.

Fox, N. C. 1981. Hunting behaviour of trained Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis). P121-133 In R. E. Kenward and I. M. Lindsay (Eds) Understanding the Goshawk. Proceedings of the IAF 29 September- 1 October 1981, Oxford, UK

Fox, N. C. 1981. Deutsche Falknerprufung – The German Falconry Test. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club VII (5): 331-334

Fox, N. C. 1982. Editorial. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club VII (6): 358-360.

Fox, N. C. 1982. In Cade, T. J., Falcons of the World. Collins.

Fox, N. C. 1982. By the fire talk. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club VII (6): 404-405

Fox, N. C. 1982. The Loop Leash. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club VII (6): 414-415

Fox, N. C. 1983. Editorial. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club 5-8

Fox, N. C. 1984. Falcon returns to the wild. Western Telegraph, September.

Fox, N. C. 1984. Falconry in Scotland. The Scottish Sporting Gazette 3: 58-59.

Fox, N. C. 1984. Tracking in the tropics. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club 31-32.

Fox, N. C. 1985. The New Zealand Falcon. In the Complete Book of New Zealand Birds, Readers Digest.

Fox, N. C., B. I. M. Fox and T. Bailey. 1985. The Predation Ecology of the Mauritius Kestrel (Falco punctatus) Report to ICBP 92p.

Fox, N. C. 1986. Hawking with the New Zealand Falcon. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club 23-28.

Cooper, J.E., J.R. Needham and N.C. Fox. 1986. Bacteriological, haematological and clinical chemical studies on the Mauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus). Avian Pathology 15: 349-356.

Fox, N. C. 1986. The diminutive Merlin. Countrysport June: 29.

Fox, N. C. 1986. Hawking with the New Zealand Falcon. Deutscher Falkenorden Journal (in German).

Fox, N. C. 1987. People problems in endangered species conservation. In ‘Reproduction and Management of Birds of Prey’. Conference Proceedings, University of Bristol.

Fox, N. C. 1987. The artificial incubation and rearing of wild Welsh Red Kites (Milvus milvus). Report to the Kite Committee: Nature Conservancy Council and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Fox, N. C. 1987. Gull-hawking with a Goshawk. Journal of the British Falconers’ Club 22-24.

Fox, N. C. 1987. The Hawks of Summer. Countrysport 38-39.

Fox, N. C. 1988. A taxonomic re-description of the New Zealand Falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae Gmelin, 1788. Notornis 35: 270-272.

Fox, N. C. 1988. The Red Kite Project. Report to the Kite Committee: Nature Conservancy Council and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Fox, N. C. 1988. The New Zealand Falcon. In revision of Oliver: Birds of New Zealand.

Fox, N. C. 1989. Managing a gene bank: The New Zealand Falcon account. In C. Imboden (Ed) The Re-introduction of endangered species. The Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge.

Fox, N. C. 1989. A unilateral extra digit in a wild Common Buzzard (Buteo Buteo). Avian Pathology 18: 193-196.

Fox, N. C. 1989. Supplementing Welsh Red Kites through artificial incubation and rearing. In C. Imboden (Ed) The Re-introduction of endangered species. The Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge.

Fox, N. C. and R. Wheeldon. 1990. The New Zealand Falcon captive breeding programme. Poster Paper, XXth International Ornithological Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Fox, N.C. and B.I.M. Fox. 1993. The problems in establishing a domestic, self-sustaining international population of New Zealand Falcons Falco novaeseelandiae. pp. 194-200 In M.K. Nicholls and R. Clarke [eds.]. Biology and conservation of small falcons: Proceedings of the 1991 Hawk and Owl Trust Conference. The Hawk and Owl Trust, London, England.

Fox, N.C., B.I.M. Fox and T. Bailey. 1993. The hunting behaviour and predatory efficiency of the Mauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus). pp. 136-143 In M.K. Nicholls and R. Clarke [eds.]. Biology and conservation of small falcons: Proceedings of the 1991 Hawk and Owl Trust Conference. The Hawk and Owl Trust, London, England.

Fox, N.C. 1995. Understanding the Bird of Prey. ISBN 0-88839-317-2. Hancock House Press. 375 p.

Fox, N. C. 1995. Aspects of killing wild animals in Britain: an investigation on behalf of the Hawk Board into the nature and extent of animal suffering caused by current methods of prest control and fieldsports. The Hawk Board.

Fox, N. C. 1995. Wildlife, science and suffering. Countryweek Hunting 23(3): 39-41.

Fox, N.C., Paterson, M. & C.P. Eastham. 1996. Hatching and Rearing Red Kites (Milvus milvus) to supplement wild populations in Wales and England. Abstracts of 2nd International Conference on Raptors. Urbino, Italy 2-5 October 1996. RRF, University of Urbino. 118.

Fox, N.C., Paterson, M.J. & C.P.Eastham. 1996. Breeding New Zealand falcons (Falco novaeseelandiae): an example of managing a small population in captivity. Abstracts of 2nd International Conference on Raptors. Urbino, Italy 2-5 October 1996. RRF, University of Urbino. 120.

Fox, N.C. & C.P.Eastham. 1996. The conservation programme on the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan and the Middle East. Abstracts of 2nd International Conference on Raptors. Urbino, Italy 2-5 October 1996. RRF, University of Urbino. 129.

Fox, N.C., Brigadier Mukhtar Ahmed, C.P.Eastham. 1996. Research and conservation of the Lugger Falcon (Falco jugger) in Pakistan. Abstracts of 2nd International Conference on Raptors. Urbino, Italy 2-5 October 1996. RRF, University of Urbino. 131-132. [Abstracts].

Fox, N.C., Eastham, C.E., Black, J.M., Quinn, J.L., Kokrev, J. 1996. The ecology of the Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus calidus) in the Taimyr Peninsula, Russia. Abstracts of 2nd International Conference on Raptors. Urbino, Italy 2-5 October 1996. RRF, University of Urbino. 132.

Fox, N.C., Eastham, C.P., Macdonald, H.J., Samour, J. 1996. The Middle East Falcon Research Group. Abstracts of 2nd International Conference on Raptors. Urbino, Italy 2-5 October 1996. RRF, University of Urbino. 132.

Movalli, P.A., Gandini, C., Fox, N., Syed Iftikhar Ahmed, Gallazzi, D., Fasola, M. 1996. Heavy Metal contamination in feathers of Lugger falcon (Falco jugger) and the use of this species as a bioindicator of enviornmental pollution in Pakistan. Abstracts of 2nd International Conference on Raptors. Urbino, Italy 2-5 October 1996. RRF, University of Urbino. 101.

Fox, N. C. 1997. Latex sex aids and how to persuade females to accept voluntary copulation. Incubation and Fertility Research Group. Abstracts 23-24 September, Scottish Agricultural College, Ayr, Scotland.

Fox, N. C. and H. Macdonald. 1997. Welfare Aspects of Killing or Capturing Wild Vertebrates in Britain. The Hawk Board.

K. W. Smith, N. C. Fox and C. P. Eastham. 1997. Measurements of incubation temperature and egg-turning rates for a still-air incubator, a bantam Gallus domesticus, a captive Common Buzzard Buteo Buteo, and a wild Common Buzzard. Incubation and Fertility Research Group.

Fox, N. C. and S. Sherrod. 1997. The use of exotic and hybrid raptors in falconry. Report to NAFA and the Hawk Board. 64p

Fox, N. C., C. P. Eastham and H. Macdonald. 1997. ERWDA Handbook of Falcon Protocols. ERWDA, UAE. (In English, Russian and Chinese).

Fox, N. C., M. Paterson, J Carranza and C. Lindberg. 1998. A preliminary analysis of factors affrecting fertility, hatchability and survivability in captive falcons 1984-1998. Incubation and Fertility Research Group, Abstracts 15-16 September, University of Warwick.

Potapov, E.R., Fox, N.C., Sumiya, D., Gombobaatar, R., & O. Shagdarsuren. 1999. Home ranges and territory use of breeding Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug) in Mongolia. Abstracts of the 3rd Eurasian Conference of RRF, Mikulov, Czech Republic, 21-26 September 1999. Buteo. Supplement (1999). 34.

Gombobaatar, S., Sumiya, S., Shagdarsuren, D., Potapov, E. & Fox., N. 1999. On Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) diet studies in Mongolia. Abstracts of the 3rd Eurasian Conference of RRF, Mikulov, Czech Republic, 21-26 September 1999. Buteo. Supplement (1999). 50.

Gombobaatar, S., Simuya, D., Shagdarsuren, O., Uuganbayar, Ch., Erdembileg, D., Potapov, E., Fox, N. 1999. [On diet studies of Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug Gray, 1834) in Mongolia]. Scientific Journal. Biology. N9 (146). Ulanbaatar 1999. 156-172. [In Mongolian and English]

Fox, N. C., M. A. Bowardi, H. Macdonald and F. Launay. 2000. A Global Strategy Plan for the Conservation of Falcons and Houbara. ERWDA, UAE. 74p [In English and Arabic]

Fox, N. C. and N. Barton. 2000. Nutrition. The Bird of Prey Management Series, Faraway Films, UK. 32p.
Potapov, E.R., N.C. Fox, D. Sumya, S. Gombobaatar and O. Shagdarsuren. 2000. Nest site selection in Mongolian sakers. pp. 132-137 Proceedings of the II MEFRG International Conference on Saker Falcon and Houbara Bustard, 1-4 July, 2000, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Middle East Falcon Research Group, Carmarthen, UK.(http://www.falcon.co.uk/mefrg/cover.htm (version 9/4/01)) [In Mongolian, Russian and English].

Shijirmaa, D., E. Potapov, S. Banzragch and N.C. Fox. 2000. The Saker Falcon Falco cherrug in Mongolia. pp. 263-268 In R.D. Chancellor and B.-U. Meyburg [eds.]. Raptors at risk; proceedings of the V World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-11 August 1998. Hancock House; WWGBP, Blaine, Washington; Berlin, Germany.

Levin, A., Watson, H. Macdonald and N.C. Fox. 2000. The Saker Falcon Falco cherrug in Kazakstan. pp. 259-262 In R.D. Chancellor and B.-U. Meyburg [eds.]. Raptors at risk; proceedings of the V World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-11 August 1998. Hancock House; WWGBP, Blaine, Washington; Berlin, Germany.

Fox, N. C. and N. Barton. 2000. Basic Training. The Bird of Prey Management Series, Faraway Films, UK. 32p.

Gott, E.J., H.J. Macdonald and N.C. Fox. 2000. The Saker Falcon Falco cherrug in the Kyrgyz Republic. pp. 269-273 In R.D. Chancellor and B.-U. Meyburg [eds.]. Raptors at risk; proceedings of the V World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-11 August 1998. Hancock House; WWGBP, Blaine, Washington; Berlin, Germany.

Eastham, C.P., J.L. Quinn and N.C. Fox. 2000. Saker Falco cherrug and peregrine Falco peregrinus falcons in Asia; determining migration routes and trapping pressure. pp. 247-258 In R.D. Chancellor and B.-U. Meyburg [eds.]. Raptors at risk; proceedings of the V World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-11 August 1998. Hancock House; WWGBP, Blaine, Washington; Berlin, Germany.

Eastham, C.P., M.K. Nicholls and N.C. Fox. 2000. Post-mortem shrinkage in large falcons. Newsletter of the Middle East Falcon Research Group 17: 1-4. (http://www.falcons.co.uk/mefrg/Falco/17/Eastham.htm (version 10/11/01))

Fox, N. C. and N. Barton. 2001. Anatomy. The Bird of Prey Management Series, Faraway Films, UK. 32p.

Fox, N. 2001. Introduction to the International Programme on the Saker Falcon. Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Midde East alcon Research Group on Saker Falcon and Houbara Bustard, Ulanbaatar 1-4 July 2000. Potapov, E., Banzragch, S., Fox, N., and Barton, N. Eds. Ulanbaatar. 2001. 20-24. [In Mongolian, Russian and English].

Fox, N. C. and N. Barton. 2001. Health Care. The Bird of Prey Management Series, Faraway Films, UK. 34p.

Fox, N.C. 2001. Future trends, captive breeding, trade controls or market forces ? Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Midde East alcon Research Group on Saker Falcon and Houbara Bustard, Ulanbaatar 1-4 July 2000. Potapov, E., Banzragch, S., Fox, N., and Barton, N. Eds. Ulanbaatar. 2001. 212-214. [In Mongolian, Russian and English]

Potapov, E., Fox, N., Gombobaatar, S., Sumya, D., Shagdarsuren, O. 2001. Mongolian Sakers Benefit from Electrical Installations. Abstracts of 4th Eurasian Congress on Raptors. Seville, Spain 25-29 September 2001. Estacion Biologica Donana, RRF. 145.

Potapov, E., Fox, N., Gombobaatar, S., Sumya, D., Shagdarsuren, O. 2001. Radiotracking Study of Habitat Use of Breeding Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug) in Mongolia. Abstracts of 4th Eurasian Congress on Raptors. Seville, Spain 25-29 September 2001. Estacion Biologica Donana, RRF. 146.

Potapov, E., Fox, N., Sumya, D., Gombobaatar, S., Shagdarsuren, O. 2001. Home ranges and habitat use of breeding Saker falcons (Falco cherrug) in Mongolia. Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Midde East Falcon Research Group on Saker Falcon and Houbara Bustard, Ulanbaatar 1-4 July 2000. Potapov, E., Banzragch, S., Fox, N., and Barton, N. Eds. Ulanbaatar. 2001. 144-154. [In Mongolian, Russian and English].

Potapov, E., Fox, N., Sumya, D., Gombobaatar, S., Launay, F., Combreau, O. and C.Eastham. 2001. The Mongolian Saker Falcon: migratory, nomadic or sedentary ? Argos Newsletter 58, 2001. P.10-11, 16.

Fox, N.C. & E.Potapov. 2001. Altai Falcon: Subspecies, Hybrid or Colour Morph ? Abstracts of 4th Eurasian Congress on Raptors. Seville, Spain 25-29 September 2001. Estacion Biologica Donana, RRF. 66-67.

Gombobaatar, S., Simuya, D., Shagdarsuren, O., Potapov, E., Fox, N. 2001. Diet studies of Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Mongolia. Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Midde East Falcon Research Group on Saker Falcon and Houbara Bustard, Ulanbaatar 1-4 July 2000. Potapov, E., Banzragch, S., Fox, N., and Barton, N. Eds. Ulanbaatar. 2001. 116-127. [In Mongolian, Russian and English]

Kenward, R.E., R.H. Pfeffer, M.A. Al-Bowardi, N.C. Fox, K.E. Riddle, E.A. Bragin, A. Levin, S.S. Walls and K.H. Hodder. 2001. Setting harness sizes and other marking techniques for a falcon with strong sexual dimorphism. Journal of Field Ornithology 72: 244-257.

Sumya, D., Gombobaatar, S., Shagdarsuren, O., Potapov, E., Fox, N. 2001. Wintering of Saker Falcon in Mongolia. Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Midde East Falcon Research Group on Saker Falcon and Houbara Bustard, Ulanbaatar 1-4 July 2000. Potapov, E., Banzragch, S., Fox, N., and Barton, N. Eds. Ulanbaatar. 2001. 138-143. [In Mongolian, Russian and English].

Ye Xiaodi, Wan Ziming, Bai Yanxia, Zhou Lizhi, Nick Fox. 2001. Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) resources and its sustainable utilization. Aridnye ekosistemy [Arid ecosystems]. Editor-in-chief Z.G.Zalibekov. Vol.7. N14-15: 93-99. In English with Russian summary.

Fox, N. C. 2002. A Legal Solution to the issue of Hunting with Dogs. 67p. The All Party Parliamentary Middle Way Group, The House of Commons, London, SW1A 1AA.

Potapov, E., D. Sumya, B. Gombobaatar and N.C. Fox. 2002. Nest site selection in Mongolian sakers. Falco 19: 9-10.

Fox, N.C., M. A. Bowardi, E. Potapov and N. Barton. 2002. The conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) and the role of CITES in UAE.

Potapov, E., D. Sumya, B. Gombobaatar, N.C. Fox and N.W.H. Barton. 2002. Mongolian Altai survey 2001. Falco 19: 7-8.

Potapov, E., N.C. Fox, D. Sumya and B. Gombobaatar. 2002. Migration studies of the Saker falcon. Falco 19: 3-4.

Fox, N.C. 2002. CITES controls in UAE, Asia and Africa. Falco 19: 12.

Xiaodi, Y. and N.C. Fox. 2003. China 2002. Falco 21: 7-8.

Fox, N. C. 2003. The Harpoon Hawk. International Falconer.

Fox, N. C., S. Rivers, N. Blay, A. G. Greenwood and D. Wise. 2003. Welfare Aspects of Shooting Foxes: A Study for the All Party Parliamentary Middle way Group. 48 p and film. All Party Parliamentary Middle Way Group, The House of Commons, London SW1A0AA.

Barton, N and N. C. Fox. 2003. Captive Breeding. The Bird of Prey Management Series, Faraway Films, UK. 36p.

Fox, N. 2003. Comprender al Ave de Presa. Edicion Espanola Traducida y Comentada por Fernando Feas. ISBN: 84-85707-42-7. .

Fox, N. C. 2003. Mounted Crow Hawking. In The Falconer: Celebrating 75 Years of the British Falconers’ Club : 236-238.

Fox, N., Barton, N., Potapov, E. 2003. Okhrana sokola-balobana i sokolinaya okhota [The Saker Falcon conservation and falconry]. Stepnoi byulleten [The Steppe Bulletin]. N14. P.28-33. [In Russian]

Fox, N. C. 2003. Fitness Training. The Bird of Prey Management Series, Faraway Films, UK. 33p.

Fox, N.C. 2004. Classical Falconry. A Treatise on Rook and Crow Hawking. ISBN 0-88839-548-5. Hancock House Press. 245 p.

Karyakin, I.V., Nikolenko, E.G., Potapov, E.R., Fox, N. 2005. [Preliminary results of the project on migration studies of the Saker Falcon in Russia]. Pernatye khishchniki i ikh okhrana [Raptors Conservation]. 2: 56-60. [In Russian with English summary].

Fox, N. C. 2005. Learning and Behaviour. The Bird of Prey Management Series, Faraway Films, UK. 36p.

Fox, N. C., N. Blay, A. G. Greenwood, D. Wise and E. Potapov. 2005. Wounding rates in shooting foxes ([i]Vulpes vulpes). Journal of Animal Welfare 14: 93-102.

27/03/2007, 08:22 AM
ماقصرت يابن رهوان

اخوك - المري

27/03/2007, 09:34 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الله يوفق البايع والشاري

27/03/2007, 11:31 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته السوم1600 ماشاء الله جميل

مروان الجزائر
27/03/2007, 11:35 AM
أن مروان من الجزائر تحية لكل المسلمين في كل مكان عندي جير شاهين ألماني مقاسه 16ونصف طول 16ونصف فيالكتف وهو صائد حباري للمزيد من الإستفسار إتصلو على الرقم التالي 0021354341501

27/03/2007, 12:00 PM
أخوي ألمري
كلامك ماعليه كلام وأنا من ألناس أللي أثق فيه(يعني أشتري وأنا مغمض)
بس لي سؤال؟
ألطير بشهادة وأوراق(جوازسفر)أنت تعرف ألمشاكل اللي انا عانيتها

27/03/2007, 12:30 PM
تسلمنون جميعا وماقصرتوا وسومة طيبه اخوي 77 من وجه اطيب..

ابو شجعاء الطير مامعه اوراق ولا جواز


اخوك - المري

الحر القطامي
28/03/2007, 08:46 AM
ب1550 وصامل باذن الله...

الحر القطامي
28/03/2007, 08:47 AM
عذرا اذا السوم وصل 1600 ماانتبهت انا اقول 1650

28/03/2007, 09:17 AM
أرحب يالحر يالقطامي وماقصرت وسومة طيبه من وجه طيب

ولا عذرا ولا شي 1550 قريبه 1650 يعنى مامن خطأ بأذن الله..

اخوك - المري

محمد الفهيد
28/03/2007, 10:19 AM
وهذي 1700
والله يوفق انشالله ويكتب الي فيه خير

28/03/2007, 10:39 AM
تسلم اخوي محمد الفهيد وسومة طيبه من وجه اطيب

والطير عادكم بعيدين اشوي من قيمته..

تسلمون جميعا..

اخوكم - المري

29/03/2007, 01:01 AM
2000 ولا عليكم شرط فحص المستشفى والريش سليم مابه شين منعمي

29/03/2007, 06:28 AM
تسلم اخوي المغتر وماقصرت

وحااااااااااضرين لأي مستشفى , ولا به ريش اعمى ولا احول..

اخوك - المري

29/03/2007, 10:52 AM
السلام عليكم
الطير يرتفع في الطيار أو لا ولو سمحت يا المري الطير وين مكانه في السعوريه


الطير غنام
29/03/2007, 12:20 PM

اخوي هذا الطير عند

بـــــــــــــــــــن نــــــــــوار

29/03/2007, 12:33 PM
وعليكم السلام اخوي الجمس
الطير يرتفع ويحوم تقول: وحش ماهوب مهجن ..


مرحبا اخوي الطير غنام

الطير ماعمره مر على أبن نوار من غير اقصور , ولا بعد مر على أي سوق ..


اخوك - المري

29/03/2007, 01:43 PM
أخوي المري كم وصل سوم الطير وكم أنت طالب فيه (سعر البيع) وتسلم

29/03/2007, 02:07 PM
الطير وصل 2200 ريال

والبيع على ماقالوا لابعيد ولا قريب..


اخوك - المري

قشاع الرمث
01/04/2007, 12:56 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مساكم الله بالخير جميع
ابو معيظ كيف حالك . والحمد لله على العقلان.
الطير موجود والا بيع .
اذا موجود هو فيه صحيه او يكوش .
ما صاد معك كراوين . انت صاقره والا اخذه مصقور .
وشلون طياره مع الحمام .
وطبوع الطير عامة من ركادة ونقل علف وما الا ذلك .
على فكرة جوالك مغلق من يومين عسى خير.

واذا الطير بيع الله يبارك للبايع والمشتري .
والسلام عليكم ...

01/04/2007, 09:41 PM
يالربع بخصوص طير المري قد تم بيعه

عسى الله يبارك للبايع والشاري